Why is it you think you have it together and then fall apart again. 😂😂😂God life sucks the energy out of you sometimes. Trying to pick up the pieces and put them together.
Why is it you think you have it together and then fall apart again. 😂😂😂God life sucks the energy out of you sometimes. Trying to pick up the pieces and put them together.
Right here
In front of your fucking face
why can’t things be
why the push
why the shove
why cant you accept
what’s right in front of your fucking face
unconditional, completely yours if you would just open up
thought it was mutual
but no
rejected again,
unworthy of trust and love
now silence
was it my age
was it my inexperience
maybe my stupidity
a knife straight to the heart
i guess time to cut the string and let you fly away
Maybe I was wrong about everything
who the fuck knows but no explanations
just so you know, there will never be another one like you
fuck you for not seeing what is right in front of your face
That one person who comes into your life. Flips it, turns it upside down and you know you will never be the same! You know you will never encounter another human being quite like them!
A safe place to land!
Sitting alone
Laying here
Staring at the ceiling
Longing for your touch
To feel your caresses on my skin
It’s been a long two years but I’m finally picking up the pieces from the destruction left by a 30 year marriage. It is liberating!!
Thank you my friend for being my safe space!
You know who you are! 😘