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Chaotic and twisted thoughts of my mind

Hello all
I'm unsure if I should create a blog, my thoughts not all will understand, they may seem dark to some yet I find peace in who I am.
This journey is so very new to me and yet I am unsure if I will ever understand my self, yet I am finding peace and comfort in excepting myself.
I find myself writing down my thoughts that are constantly in my mind it helps calm the chaos.
I thought a blog may help me to better understand them.
1 year ago. February 5, 2023 at 12:49 PM

Oh sweet darkness
My home thats far
From the light
The black wolf
That walks beside
Helping to guide me
Towards souls
That dwell in the night

A place that brings
Quiet and peace
Yet with darkness
Comes light
Light that shone
Through the darkest
Of night
It shines within the
Souls that live
Under the moonlight
Darkness has beauty
Creatures and souls
The light no longer there home
Beauty that can be seen
With out being told
It lingers with in them
It dwells in the soul
Come out from the shadows
Walk in the night
Allow the demons
The beasts to
Rejoice upon the moonlight
Where souls are free to 
Show their true light
For in darkness
I see light
The inner beast that
Must be allowed to
Take flight
Take my hand
Do not fear me dark soul
As I see your light
Dark soul allow 
Me to show you
How to dance upon
The moonlight
For there is unseen
Magic and beauty
To be found apon
The moonlight 

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