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Chaotic and twisted thoughts of my mind

Hello all
I'm unsure if I should create a blog, my thoughts not all will understand, they may seem dark to some yet I find peace in who I am.
This journey is so very new to me and yet I am unsure if I will ever understand my self, yet I am finding peace and comfort in excepting myself.
I find myself writing down my thoughts that are constantly in my mind it helps calm the chaos.
I thought a blog may help me to better understand them.
1 year ago. February 26, 2023 at 4:32 AM

The journey has been long 

It's paths entwined and twisted 

You found me in the darkness 

A place we both call home 

My reflection in the water 

Once murky yet now clear

The black wolf my only guide 

To protect and guide 

To watch me stumble and rise 

He lead me to you my Sir 

A soul that speaks to mine 

A soul I know almost as 

Well as my own 

I come to you, far from perfect 

To kneel at your feet

Shall you allow me to 

Worship only you

I ask of you my Sir 

Shall you find me worthy 

Worthy of your presence 

Worthy of your dominace 

Worthy of your control 

To offer myself to you only

To offer you my flaws 

And Imperfections 

That you may mold me into

Who you see, that I do not 

Your eyes only see perfection 

What I offer you my Sir 

Is my all, and my trust

I offer you the gift of 

 My Submission 

I offer you ownership of every part

Of me, soul, hart, trust Imperfections 

I crave that you have ownership 

Of me and who I am 

I, crave, beg to worship at your feet 

primal Wolf{Owner } - That’s my good girl! 🔐
1 year ago

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