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The Grassy Knoll

roll around in my head with me
1 year ago. November 6, 2022 at 2:22 AM

You do not need to choose within yourself to be one way or another. 

You are multitudes. Malleable, fluid and changing constantly with each passing mod or moment. We all are and to deny we are is to deny our inherent humanity. Which many do. 

You do not. Self awareness comes at a great cost to our sanity and the cost is greater and greater as society strays farther from "god" or whatever you want to call it. Other people do not see. They do not understand. There is no depth to who they are because there has never been a reason for there to be. 


Feeling weakness within yourself does not make you weak. It makes you aware of your own facets. Even if you don't understand them or what you may be trying to subconsciously communicate to yourself. You're aware of it happening that in and of itself is strength. To look within and see someone you don't recognize is terrifying! It's fair to be in turmoil over it. 




MasterBear​(other butch) - <3
1 year ago

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