Behind that door striped in purple and blue.
Gold embellished; tinted glass of two.
A beautiful grey threshold; stern and kind.
It holds secrets untold, all the answers for the questions in my mind.
No matter my method; the door remains locked.
It can't be that simple; every attempt has been stopped.
Is that the answer? Could it be that simple?
My smile grows; all the way to the dimple.
Every attempt of force, every taptaptap.
Was met with silence; a growing mystery to unwrap.
For now, I have my door. Strong and Glorious.
Patiently I'll wait, kneeling in surrender. The space behind it so curious.
I shall wait for the day to come, for its indigo wood to open just a sliver.
The light within a purpe hum; its vibrations made me shiver.
I wait.
For that door to open.
I wait.