There is serenity in ignorance; a soul searching for Agartha, a paradise where the gods reside. An oasis in the desert; mirages echo your desires.
In ignorance is fear; unsure of the unknown you fight. A lepord in a corner fighting for its life as its 'hunters' only wish to free its trapped leg. A dark figure following you as you go to your car.
In fear is my soul; like a lost light in the darkness, I searched for my Serenity. Trial and error I searched for Him. The person with whom I could become whole.
In my soul is not my Master. He is God above me. Protective and righteous he sees all thoes who wish to manipulate and harm. He is a wolf protecting his mate.
In my Master is Serenity. Like the lights that dance as you close your eyes he is the warmth that cascades over my entire being. I am His and I am safe. He is my Master.