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Slave Think

From my mindscape to your imagination. My journey though this world of self discovery through bdsm and the emotions of a slave in training.
2 months ago. July 16, 2024 at 3:42 AM

Laughter; a cacophony in the night. Smears of color across my vision like watercolor floating down the creek. 

In a cloud of pink and red I spin; around in a pattern that bring comfort, known and familiar. 

In a cloud of green and blue is smile; joy something so palpable it pulses within your hands. 

Lights; a swirl of shadows and spirits. Hiding in the corners of my vision, my demands whisper to me though the night. 

Spining around and around the mount beneath me bucks slowly lifting me into the cotton candy air; my vision begins to drag and blur shadows blend into red velvet.

As the dark walls and drapes creep into my vision I see him.

Across the way as still as predator; a leopard in the grasses bearly visible. His hunger kisses my skin as I see him swallow. His throat sensually moves, with the effort. His lips pull me in..




I loose him, where did he go. Where was I again? Why did I feel light headed. 




There in the shadows, his smirk pulls the heat to the surface of my core; promising me pleasure and pain. 


Buck, this mound beneath me is suddenly cause pressure. Desire. 


The room blends into the night and I remember the night thoes teeth drug against my skin leaving flames in their wake. His lips pulled the moans from my soul and the shivers from my sex. His hands so big they could end me in an instant, yet he tenderly touches my skin, my desire building as he marks me with his mouth and nails. Red welts deliciously raise along the trail his mouth made. 


I moan in memory but he is gone. As I dismount I can't help but hold my snacks and prizes close hoping to meet his eyes in the night. As I leave to go to my car a little earlier then my party I feel him. He is following me...I feel small and in danger; delicious danger of loosing my sanity tonight. 


Dare I give in....Dare I submit?

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