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Tersely Pertinent

This blog is a place for me to post things to get them out of my head.

My writings give a hint of the way I view the lifestyle, both good and bad.

My projects give my hands something to do, when my writing fails me.
5 minutes ago. September 28, 2024 at 1:23 PM



So the handles are finished.   Though the purple and mahogany ones took longer than I expected. 

I think I put the second coat of stain on too soon, since they are oil based as opposed

to the scarlet one, which is water based.


I ordered my new buckskin hides. Though I don't know when they will arrive, since they haven't shipped yet.

But I have left over Moose, so I cut some falls for the mahogany handle:


Got buzy attaching them to the handle.

Cut 26 falls, but only really got 17 of them glued on when I ran out of room.

But it looks fairly nice I think:


Takes 72 hours for the glue to fully cure. 

So it won't be til Monday when I can do a final bit of covering 

where the falls attach to the handle.   

Will be interesting to see if it works


2 days ago. September 26, 2024 at 1:11 AM



As you may remember, I recently bought and semi restored a small wood lathe.  

This week new chisels arrived, so I spent this morning working on some new handles for floggers.


As you can see, it makes a good deal of sawdust.   Lathe dust?   Whatever.

What you are looking at is 1.25 inch Oak dowel where I reduced about an inch of it to .5 inch or so.

So I did three of them to see how they would turn out, this being my first time

(Wood Lathe Virgin, wouldn't you know)

Yes, I realize they are not uniform but, you know, first time.

So I cut the caps off and sanded them down to make them useable and ready for stain

Used the new Purple stain, as well as my favorite Red, and a Dark Brown 

I didn't stain the "necks" due to the fact that is where I am going to glue the falls.

My plan is order some Dark Purple and Dark Red Buckskin for the correlating handels.  The Brown one will get more Moose I used on the Copper handled flogger awhile back.


Tomorrow will be polycoating with a full gloss and the fall attachment.


Stay Tuned for Final Product!






3 days ago. September 24, 2024 at 11:00 PM







Happy Halloween!



5 days ago. September 23, 2024 at 11:05 AM



The people here at The Cage have provided all us users with a fantastic place to express our thoughts, loves, hates, and what all.   Within reason, we can post what we want and how we want.


But some of you all are not making the best of it.


Yes, it is your blog and, really, it should be a reflection of you.   You should be able to say what it is you want to say (again, within reason) but you need to think on how you want to say it.

Now I am not talking about sentences structure or word choice, as not everyone here uses the same language.  What I am talking about is appearance.


Cage developers have provided us with a number of fonts and colors to choose from.  You don't have to use the 12 point Alef font in black.   In my not so humble opinion, that shit is hard on the eyes.   Specially when you have a 15 to 20 line paragraph.   When I start someone's blog and see that, I give up and move along without comment or thought.


Now if you are like me, you were taught that a proper paragraph is at least 4 lines.    But I learned that years ago, before the invention of the internet.   Way before the invention of the cell phone.   

In today's writing place, you need to think about how your words show up on different devices.    I often save my blog posts to a draft or inactive to see how it shows on either my cell or my laptop (I don't have a tablet).   Long ass paragraphs show really badly on cells.


Having a blog means you want people to see it.    Part of getting people to read your thoughts is to present them in a way they enjoy reading them.    Make it a chore and people won't bother.


You're Welcome.


Now go write Something


1 week ago. September 20, 2024 at 3:10 PM



The reason I post my writings here in my Blog is because I enjoy being a storyteller.   Characters and stories and ideas get stuck in my head, so I need a place to work them out.    I post them here so others can enjoy them.


While I don't typically get a great deal of "likes" on them, People do tend to DM me to tell me how much they like them, and in some cases masterbate to them.


That's great!   I like to hear people find my work gratifying.  


What I don't like is when someone messages me and wants stories tailor made to fit them.   Particularly when they want it for free 1.


So, due to a buzzkill situation, I am going to cut back on my writing for the time being.    I can't seem to get back into the "mood".   I'm sure that I'll get over it in a week or two, so no worries there.


Just keep your eye on this space.




1: By "Free" I mean seeing about giving me something in return for my effort.   Writing is hours of work.  In the case I am talking about, I suggested they make a blog post about how much they liked the writing here on Cage, not even having to state my work in particular.  I also suggested they mention how stimulating they found it (i.e. masterbating).  They declined rather rudely and said I was attempting to "Dom" them.  Thus the buzzkill

1 week ago. September 18, 2024 at 12:15 PM


The Hood called to her from the purse.

Mary could hear it from her desk, but she was in the middle of meeting.   She yearned to go to it, but she forced herself to wait. The meeting was almost over and was very important that she paid attention to everyone.   

But still, it called.

When it was finally over, Mary escorted everyone out of her office and went over to her personal closet.    Opening the door, she reached down and retrieved her purse from the closet floor, taking it to her desk.    She reached in and pulled out her black leather face. 

Mary stared at it, longing to put it on and be a thing again.   She wanted to tear off her business suit, put on her face and walk around her office, not caring who might come in and see it.  Almost crying, she set her face on the desk, next to her purse and got out her new cell phone.   

It was a small simple thing.   An old style flip phone.     But it didn't need to be more.   Only one person had the number to send it messages when He wanted.

Mary sighed when she looked at the phone.   It hadn't rang or buzzed for a couple of days now.    She seemed to be checking it every ten minutes, when she could.    But nothing came of it.   Sighing again, she was putting it back in the purse when it suddenly shook in her hand.   Quickly flipping it open, she went to the texting area and found a single word:


Mary closed an threw the phone back in her purse.  She then picked up her leather face and gave it a small kiss before she gently placed it next to the cell.   Glancing around the office to make sure everything was in order, she hustled out of her office.  Quickly stopping by her assistant's desk to say she was leaving for the day,  Mary headed to her car.   Not quite running, but almost.

Luckily,  the drive to her Owner's house was very short.    In no time, Mary found herself parked in from of the garage door. After waiting about fifteen minutes, the door raised on it's own and she was allowed to pull her vehicle inside.

Turning off the car and leaving the keys in the ignition, she waited until the garage door was fully close to get out, carrying her purse.    Mary then walked around the car and opened the trunk.    She kicked off her shoes, placing them inside the trunk.  Next went her pants, jacket, and shirt all neatly folded and placed one on top of the other.   Lastly on top went her bra and panties.   

Mary's barefeet shifted on the cold tile of the garage.   But she knew she would not be there very long, as she reached into her purse.  First she pulled out a small elastic band.   Ruining her fresh hairdo, Mary pulled her hair into a pony tail.   Then she retrieved her face from the purse.   Quickly donning the hood, it reached back and pulled the lacing tight, only allowing space for the pony tail to stick through.

It wanted to look in the mirror of the car, to make sure the face was on correctly, but it also didn't want to keep it's Owner waiting.

Closing the trunk, the thing padded over to the door leading to the house.   It gently knocked and then reached for the handle to let itself inside.    It saw the kitchen was empty, so it proceeded further in.     

The thing found it's Owner sitting in a recliner in the living room.   He was already naked.  His ebony skin completely contrasting  the white leather of the chair.    The crystal blue eyes looked up from the book He was reading and focused on his thing.

"Get your mouth on this"  He told it, as He moved the book from his lap.  The movement revealed His enormous cock was already engorged and needed unloading.   

It quickly moved across the room and knelt down between His legs.  Remembering its lessons,  the thing put its hands behind its back, grasping the left wrist with the right hand.   Then it ran its tongue up and down the Owner's hard shaft, getting it as lubricated as it could.

With a final licking, the thing flung its head down, taking the black spear fully into its open mouth.   Down it went, until its Owner's genital hair was bunched up against the leather face.    Then it pulled back, slowly, only using its lips to slide over the cock skin.    When it could feel His head slid out of its throat and back into its mouth, the thing thrust down again, taking his cock as deep into its throat as it could.

The thing repeated the thrusts for some time, unil it could not fight off its gag reflex anymore.    It pulled its mouth off the swollen cock, trailing slavia and some bile off its chin.   Gasping for breath, the thing then again plunged back down on its Owner's ebony manhood.

After some minutes the thing again retreated to gasp for breath,  when it suddenly felt His hand on the back of head, forcing it to take all the raging cock inside.    When its nose was forcibly against His groin,  The Owner's body began to shutter.    Then with a loud grunt, the thing felt His Cock spew forth the stream of hot jizum into its throat.  Then and only then, did the thing let go of its wrist and grasp His scrotum and squeeze every last drop from it. 

It concentrated on breathing through its nose, as it encouraged the large load down to its stomach.   With His final spazm, it took its mouth off the already drooping cock, leaving a trail of sputum and cum from the tip to her lips.   The thing went back one final time to lick His member clean once more.

The job finished, the thing looked up to its Owner, only to find Him asleep in the recliner.   It smiled at Him and the curled up on the floor next to the chair, to doze until He awoke. 


1 week ago. September 16, 2024 at 5:30 PM



Mary parked her car in front of Isaiah's garage door.

He had sent her a text the night before to be at his house at 10 AM sharp.    Seeing the message, her mind raced back to the night of the poker game.   Isaiah had just beaten her husband's hand with a royal flush in spades.   The husband had put Mary up as part of the stakes in the pot, and she allowed it.   She still didn't know what Isaiah meant when he had told her "You are Mine."    What was he thinking?

But still, He had sent the message.   Mary showed it to her husband and he only said "I guess you better go over there."

So here she was, sitting in her car in front of his garage door, wondering what to do next.   The house, or what she saw of it as she drove up, was huge!   Mary didn't know how much money Isaiah had, or what he did to make it, but He did spend a good deal on His dwelling.

While she was looking at the house from her car, suddenly the garage door started to go up.   As it got fully raised, she could see inside.    The floor was tiled in red and white squares.    The walls were plain white.   No cars, no tool racks, no nothing.  Empty as a cave.   Then Mary's text chime went off on her phone.

Pull in and park, the incoming message read.   

It was from Isaiah's number.

She did as ordered and pulled her car in.   As soon it was all the way, the door started down on it own.   The phone chimed again: "Come inside."

Mary saw the door to her right, as soon as she stepped from the car.   It was white, like the walls, and the only thing setting it off was everything was the bronze handle.  The door opened into a small, but  well furnished kitchen.   She was shocked at the size, considering how big the house was.   But then she saw Isaiah sitting at a wooden table.

He gazed at her with his ice blue eyes, taking her in from head to foot.   When he got down to her sneakers, he told her "You will have to take those off every time you come in here.   Put them on the rack next to the door, with the socks in each one.

She looked down right and left and found a small wooden rack on the left hand floor, next to the door.   With a rather perplexed look on her face, she did as she was told and took off both of her sneakers, followed by the socks.   Once each sock was placed in the appropriate shoe, she placed them on the rack and stood back up.

Mary's eyes found Isaiah had turned back to some papers on the table before him.    He didn't seem to be paying any attention her at all.   This went on for some minutes, until he nodded to himself, picked up a pen and wrote at the bottom of a page.    Pushing the papers away from him, Isaiah pointed to the chair across the table from him and said "Sit".

Frowning, she went over to the spot he indicated, pulled out the chair and sat.    She was still frowning at Him when he folded His hands together in front of him and gave her a speech:

"I won you fair and square at the game.   Both you and your husband agreed to it.   Now you are mine, to  do with as I will.  you are not going to live with me here, but you will come when you are bidden.   You will do as I say, eat what I give you, sleep where I tell you.  You are still married to him but you are my property."

Mary, of course was quite shocked!   She could not believe what she was hearing!   People didn't own people anymore, it was illegal!   She blurted all this out to Isaiah!

He simply smiled and told her she was correct. "But still it happens all the time.   People do own other people.   It is part of the lifestyle I live."  Using the two index fingers on His hands, He pointed at her, continuing "Your husband owes me a debt.  He knew this when he put you up as security at the game.   When I won, you became my object.   My thing."

Laughing at Him, she flung a question: "What, are you going to fuck me now?"

"Not right now," He returned. "But later, yes I am going to fuck you.   Very roughly and very repeatedly.  I am also do some very horrible things to you.    Things you have never had happen to you.    Some of it will be very painful, some of it will be very arousing.   But it will only happen at my desire."

Mary snorted.   Was Isaiah talking about kinky bondage stuff? She asked herself.  Was this something out of those 50 Shades of Grey books she read awhile back?  My God, He must be kidding!

With all that rattling around in her brain, the only words that came out of her mouth was "What if I don't want to be your property?"

Leaning back in his chair, again He smiled.   "Well then," He told her, "You should put your shoes back on and go.", turning his head to the door. 

But looking back at her "And never come back.   However, you and your husband will be banned from further games.   No more poker and no more friends.   Everyone knows the debt you owe me.   I will accept no payment and will have nothing to do with you or your husband.  I make no demands.  It is all up to you."

Mary blinked at Him, from across the table.  She knew he was serious and what the ramifications where.   Breaking off His stare, she looked down at the table.  Thoughts ran through her head.   She measured out  what saying no meant, not only to her but to her husband as well.     Mary was also intrigued as to what being Isaiah's property would be like.  

After what seemed like days, she came to an answer for herself.  Closing her eyes and nodding at the table top, she spoke one word:


The sound of His chair sliding back came to her ears, as did His spoken command of "Come."   Opening her eyes and looking up, she saw he was leaving the room, to go deeper into the house. She quickly got up herself to follow him.   

He had crossed one room, only to exit through another door.    In trying to catch up, she found herself in a small darkened room.    The only lights were those framed around a large mirror on the wall.  This mirror was set above a desk like table, also attached to the wall.   In front of that, was a small, white chair on a swivel.   Like something you would find in a barber shop.

Mary looked around the room and then over to Isaiah, next to the chair. "Sit" He told her. 

Again, she did as she was bidden.   After placing herself in the chair, He spun it around to face the mirror.    Mary tried to use her hand to shade her eyes from the lights, but Isaiah would not allow that.   He grabbed her hand and put it on the arm of the chair.   Looking down, was somewhat horrified at what He did next.

Isaiah buckled her wrist into a leather cuff on the chair, then repeated the action with her other hand. Making sure the cuffs were tight, but not overly so, He then turned bent down and reached under the desk.    What he pulled out was a Styrofoam head with something on it.

On the fake head was a leather hood.    Open eye holes, as well as one for the mouth.  "This, "He told her, "is yours.   You are going to wear it all the time you are here. "  Isaiah turned it around to show Mary the back of the hood.   Laces ran down the back of the head.  She also saw that the where the part that wrapped around the neck had a small lock.

Isaiah spun the chair around again and stood between it and the mirror.   Suddenly, Mary could feel a brush being run though her hair.    Long stroke, starting at her forehead and running down to the tips at her shoulders.   Stroke after stroke after stroke after stroke.

Then they stopped as quickly as they started.  Only to be replaced by a hard yank of hair, as it was gathered and bound into a pony tail.  Then is voice told her to close her eyes.

Soon after following his command, Mary felt as if she has walked into a very small closet.   There was a sense of pressure on her face and head.   She was having problems breathing through her nose, so opened her mouth to get some air.  Then she began to feel and increase in the pressure, as if her skin was drying up.   

Mary's world seemed to spin again, as He turned the chair back to the mirror and told her to open her eyes.

What she saw in the mirror, she did not recognize.  In place of her tanned skin and blonde hair was a mannikin of black leather.    The eye holes were small enough not to show any skin, but only the eyes themselves.    The mouth hole was from her upper lip to the beginning of her chin.    Her nose was completely covered, with just two small circles to let in air.

Standing behind her, Isaiah looked into the mirror to lock her gaze.  "When you wear this, you are no longer Mary.  You are a thing.  You are an object.   You no longer have a name, but what I call you.   When you are not wearing it, you will keep it close to you:  in your purse, under your pillow at night when you sleep, wherever you go, it goes with you."

"Do you agree, thing?" He asked her.

The thing broke off her look at him and looked at itself one final time in the mirror.

"Yes, Sir" it nodded.

1 week ago. September 15, 2024 at 2:06 PM






Found a wood lathe on FB marketplace.  Yeah it is older, but to work on my flogger handles, I don't need anything fancy.


But it does need a belt to make it operational.  That has been ordered and should be here in a week.

2 weeks ago. September 13, 2024 at 2:19 PM



Mary loved watching her husband play poker.


Being the CEO of a small medium sized business, she didn't get much relaxation time.   Projects to supervise, meetings to run, employees to shape and move along took a great deal of her time.   Sure, she often thought to herself, the company made large amounts of money and was in the Top 5 of her industry, but still.    It ate up a great deal of her time.

His poker was a night where she didn't have to do anything, but watch.   Just exist.

Mary always sat behind him, just close enough to see his cards.   She didn't give advice.  She didn't chat with the other players. She just watched the cards fall and the chips go where they may.

She knew who the other players were.   They were often the same group of guys.  Bill was her husband's best friend, been so for years and years.   Gary was an office mate of her husband.    Sometimes everyone jokeed they were husband and husband.  Jess was the odd man out.   No one really remembered where he came from, but he showed up week after week and was a good player.    Though he had a bad tick where he would smile too much when he had bad cards.    Jess never won much.

Then there was Isaiah.  Everyone called him Izzy, for short.

One of the reasons Mary sat where she did was to be able to look at him, when she could.   He was a man with ebony skin and the clearest blue eyes she had ever seen.    Like the deepest sea, frozen in time.   His build was like Bruce Lee's, skinny but the muscles stood out when he wanted them to.

Mary often caught herself staring at him, over her husband's cars.   Then like a hawk, his crystals suddenly latch on to her stare.   She would break it off by taking a sip from her glass, and his would go back to the table.

The game, as always, was Texas Hold'em.  Each player got two cards, where they would place bets, then three more cards were dealt to the center of the table, face up.  They call this the Flop for some reason.   The players would bet on what they thought were the best hands they had.   Then another face up and more betting.   The final part of each hand was The River, where one last card was laid on the table and one last bet.

She often thought it was a slow moving game but she liked it like that.   He had enough hustle in her life.   

In-between hands, her husband turned to Mary and began to say "Mary, Would...."

She knew what she wanted:  Time to refill everyone's glasses.    She hated to do things like that, but none of the guys wanted to leave their seats.   

"On it." She told her, as she got up from her stool.    

Mary went to the bar and got bottles of beer for everyone, as well as the opener.   Going back to the table, she set a bottle down in front of the player, popped the cap and then move on to the next player.     

The thing is though, she always left Isaiah for the last.   

With the last bottle, Mary would set it next to his chips and then turn to leave.   Only this time, Izzy turned his head to look up at her.   They again locked gazed, when He shifted his eyes to her glass and then back up to her.   Mary blinked as He did it again.    Finally understanding,  She picked up His glass and poured the beer from the bottle into it.   Setting back it back next to chips, Mary heard Him say "Thank you", but never looked up again.

She returned to her stool as the next hand was started.   From her place, she could see her husband's cards: two Aces, clubs and hearts.  "Well that is a good start," Mary thought to herself, trying to keep her face under control.

The bidding started at $100, until it got her her husband.   With a slight smile on his face, he raised the bidding by $75.  Everyone matched him, including Jess with a huge smile on his face.  After Gary threw in his chips, the Flop was layed out:

The Queen and Jack of Spades, with the 5 of Hearts.

The next round of bidding found Bill tossing in his cards, Gary betting $200 which Jess and Mary's husband matched.   

When it came Izzy's turn, He called Gary's $200 and raised the stakes by $500.

Gary's breath exploded and said he was out, flipping his cards over to show the Jack of Diamonds and 5 of Clubs.   Jess grinned even more while evening out the pot.   The husband called Izzy's bet.

The next card down, which in poker terms was called The Turn, was the Ace of Diamonds.  

Mary could barely contain herself!   She had to turn away from the table, so the light of excitement would not give away what cards her husband held.   Specially to Isaiah.

She got up and went to the bar, to get under control.   From there, she could hear the bidding:  Her husband started with an even thousand, which Jess just managed to cover.  Izzy matched that and doubled again.   Her husband called, causing Jess to stare at the empty spot where his chips used to be.

"Ah geez  guys.   I got everything in the pot," he complained. " You take an I.O.U.?"

Mary's husband chuckled and told Jess "No paper dude.   Cash or security."

Jess asked what the husband meant by "security"

Placing his cards face down on the table, he said "Jewelry, gold coin, artwork, or the like.  Hell, isn't one of your comics worth a grand?"

At the mention of his comic books, Jess went pale and looked at his cards again.   Slowly he put them on the table, also face down and slid them under the pile of chips in the center.

"I'm out," he told the other two men.

Izzy and the husband stared at each other across the table.   Each man being as stone faced as he could be.   

Mary returned to her stool, watching Isaiah's unmoving eyes bore into her husband.  "Shall we?" the Dark man asked to no one in particular, to which the husband simply nodded.

With The River, the last card appeared on the table:

The Ace of Spades.

Mary simply could not keep her eyes from widening at maximum!  She could not believe what she was seeing.   The pot on the table was going to hugs, knowing how Izzy played.   

But Isaiah never took his eyes off the husband.   He simply said "All in" and pushed the entire pile of his remaining chips towards the center of the table. 

The husband looked at that pile and then down to his own.   It was somewhat smaller, say by about $5,000.  "I'm a little shy," he told Izzy.  "What kind of security do you want?"

Isaiah set his cards back on the table, face down, side by side.  Sitting fully back in his chair, he shifted his crystal orbs from the husband to Mary.

"Her," He said nodding at her.

Mary gasped and put her hand to her mouth.  "My God," she thought,  "What in the holy hell is he thinking?!?!"

The husband, turned to look at Mary, then turned back to Izzy and, finally, picked up his cards to look at them.  Setting them back on the table, he said "I'll agree to it if she will."

She could not believe what she was hearing.   Her own husband was willing to use her as a settlement in a card game.  But then she thought about it.  He had four Aces.  Sure Mary didn't know what cards Isaiah was holding but they couldn't beat four Aces.

Could they?

Steeling herself, Mary said "Do it."

Isaiah looked back to the husband and said "What do you have?"

Mary's husband turned over his cards.  "Four Aces."

The dark man reached out to one card, using it to flip the other one over and showed both to the crowd:

The King and 10 of Spades.


"Royal Flush."


There was silence in the room.    No one said a word.   

Well, except for Isaiah.   He looked up at Mary and said "You're mine".








2 weeks ago. September 12, 2024 at 3:43 PM