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Tersely Pertinent

This blog is a place for me to post things to get them out of my head.

My writings give a hint of the way I view the lifestyle, both good and bad.

My projects give my hands something to do, when my writing fails me.
11 months ago. October 16, 2023 at 6:59 PM



Oh the Games We Play


Your Lovely Narrator is a Diabolical and Perverse Man, He lead you down a crooked path, with nary a signpost to point the way.


Indeed Like a good prestidigitator, He confounded you with a title that was untrue and then showed you he was following the rules with the subtitle.


Thus so, #3 was indeed true.   Due to a growth thing on my left wrist, it does not rotate as well as my right.  This leads to crappy timing, screwing up the Florentine.   For those that have not seen it, here is a short vid:


#2 is also quite true.   Not all D/s is sexually oriented.  My favorite example is the woman who was getting married to a vanilla.  This man placed her on a pedestal, to the point she could do no wrong.    


She hated this and needed to be put in her place.    So she would come over and clean my apartment.   I would follow her around and criticize her work.   She was quite grateful for it.


The only articles of clothing she took off was her shoes and sock.   

Foot fetish you know.   


So that leaves #1 as the Lie.   But so obvious a one, it made you all wondering if there wasn't another in the list.


As I said: Perverse and Diabolical  



11 months ago. October 15, 2023 at 11:35 PM



Or is it the Other Way Around ?


  #1:     Of  all the Kinds of  s types, Brats are my Favorite!

#2: I don't always engage in sex during a BDSM scene

#3: I can't Florentine  

11 months ago. October 15, 2023 at 1:19 PM

Never a more pleasant way to spend a Sunday Morning:




11 months ago. October 14, 2023 at 2:03 PM

Even though the rain had stopped, water still fell from Silvia's eyes.


She didn't know how long she laid there in the mud, the last of the rain dripping from her body.   All she could remember is watching Matt's back as he walked into the the forest.   He left her there, staked spread eagled on the soaking ground to contemplate her sin of betraying His trust in her.

Silvia wanted to slam her head into the mud, maybe to show herself she was wrong, but mostly to drive the memory of what she did from her mind.   "Goddamnit!  Why did I listen to Sarah?  What was I thinking?   Why, why, WHY?"  Ran over and over and over, circling around her brain.

She tugged on the ropes in frustration.   Not really trying to break loose, but to show herself what she had gotten her into.   She knew she what she had done was wrong and she deserved this.    Silvia vowed never to make that mistake again.   She had placed herself into Matt's hands to educate her.   To care for her. her?

Silvia keep muttering the words "I'm sorry" over and over again.    She wanted to scream it so He could hear it.  But she didn't.  She knew he was there listening for her safeword.   But again, didn't want to use that.   She didn't want to fail him again.


So she laid there, in the cold, wet mud.  Waiting for happened next.   


After a time, she heard a sound.   Silvia lifted her head, as much as she could to look around, but could not see anything.   She kept hoping she would see Matt walk out of the woods again.   But nothing was there.  Still, she heard the sounds.   Then she realized they were foot steps behind her.   Someone was walking up where she could not see!   

She struggled as much as she could with her arms and legs tied as they were.   She thought it was His walk, but wasn't sure.   The sound stopped and she could feel a presences standing over her.   Silvia tried to look behind her but her head simply could not turn that much.   

"Sir?   Is that you?"  She begged the presence.  But there was only silence.

That was when she felt a touch of body heat against her inner thigh.   Then another against her other thigh.    

Suddenly, Silvia's body sank further in the mud, as another body laid down on her back.   She welcomed the warmth from the skin to skin contact.    She opened her eyes to see hand running up and down each arm.

His hands.   Matt's.

His hot breath poured into her ear as he said "I hope you have learned your lesson, little one."  His hands still massaging her arms.  His legs just inside hers, like He was trying to keep her from closing them.   

"Yes Sir.  I'm very sorry, Sir, for not doing as I was told"  Silvia cried, the tears starting once more.

"Very good little one.  But there is one last part to all this."  Matt told her as he shifted his body some.   Silvia wondered what more there was to happen when with a thrust of Matt's hips, she felt Him slam his cock into her mud covered pussy.  At the same time, Silvia's head snapped back as He yanked on her hair and twisted so her left cheek squelched again into the mud.

Matt, heavy from the exertion, breathed into her right ear "I know you were given bad advice, Silva.   But you should have known better. "  As he increased the rhythm thrusts, His speaking became more course. "Perhaps we both made mistakes this time, little one."  The pace  of the thrusts increased more, as Matt became quiet.    Then the thrusts stopped.

Then there was one very hard thrust, going deeper than anything she felt before.


Thrust again, harder yet


And then one last thrust to the point where Silvia could feel the ropes on her ankles stretch to the point of almost breaking!




Silvia felt Matt's entire body shudder in orgasmic pleasure!   Her pussy filled with with the gift from his body to hers and she knew he had collapsed on top of her from the exertion.  His hand released her hair and his head rested on hers.   Silvia moaned from the gift of his heat both outside and inside her body.

After awhile, she felt Him get up and take his heat with Him.    She was wondering how much longer she was going to remain tied to the ground when her left leg was suddenly freed.  Then her right.    Looking around, Silvia saw Matt's bare feet walk up to her right hand and saw he bend down and cut the rope with a knife he clenched in his fist.    Her eyes followed him as he moved to her left wrist and do the same thing.    

Sticking the knife into the mud, point first, Matt grabbed both of Silvia's arms and helped her to her feet.    When she was standing again, He just held her.   Simply held her.    She wrapped her arms around His body and let His warmth again encompance her.   

After what seemed hours,  Matt again reach up and grabbed her hair.  But this time He slowly pulled til her mud covered face looked up at his.  "Come little one.   I have a fire going and a tent set up.    Let's get you warm and rested and then we can wash in the stream together."


With these words, Matt led Silvia off into the woods, where they could be together in peace.







11 months ago. October 11, 2023 at 1:01 PM




Artist Alex Ross                                           


The above artwork adorns my workshop wall as a reminder that sometimes, we all get tired.


Sometimes we take on more than we can handle.   We strive to do our best, and sometimes that is not enough.


We want to Do more

                                          Help More

                                                              Care More

                                                                                 Love More




We can't.


Everyone hits a wall.   


We sink to the ground in a pile of tears and pain and can not get up again.




That is ok.   


We know the Sun will be there the next Day and it will fill us with rekindled energy and We will Soar through the Sky with renewed purpose


Sometimes Heroes Do Wear Capes

11 months ago. October 10, 2023 at 2:12 PM

Silvia was cold and wet.

The rain had been going on for an hour now.  Her hair was plastered to the side of her face and the water had pooled at the small of her back, the excess running down her ass and pussy.    Her arms and legs were somewhat aching from being in the same position for long time unable to move because of the ropes.   The mud caked her breasts and stomach.  

Silvia was very unhappy.


And very very sorry.


She mind wandered back to how she got here.   Silvia remembered coming home with her new dress for her showing at the Club Matt was going to take her to.   She was very proud of her choice and could not wait to show it to him!   It was such a wonderful shade of red and she knew, KNEW!, He was going to be happy with with it!

That was until Silvia saw the look on His face.   

Silvia had never seen such a look of disappointment before.  Not on Matt's face.  Not on anyone's face.   My God, she thought, what have I done?  Why wasn't he proud of her choice?   

There in the green room that was Matt's Den, Silvia held up the dress in stunned silence.   Matt got up from his desk and came round to her.   Taking the dress from Silvia, He laid it on the chair next to the desk, while pointing to the floor.   She understood the unspoken command and knelt down in proper form, head bowed down to hide her forming tears.

"I am disappointed, Silvia.  I requested you to get a green dress." Matt spoke ab ove her.  "This one is not green, is it?"

"No, Sir."  Silvia almost whispered.

"Why did you ignore my request?" He asked.

"I....I...thought you would be happy to see me in red.   Red is your signature color, isn't it"

Silvia could hear Matt walk back around His desk and sit down.   She wouldn't allow her eyes to see what he was doing, not risking the chance to see that look on His face again.  The silence from the desk was almost unbearable.   Then after awhile, He sighed.

"Of course you must be punished," Matt finally said.  "I put my trust in you to do as I ask and you didn't fulfill your duty."  Matt got up from the desk and walked back around to her.   Silvia then felt His hand cup her chin and raise her head up to face him again.  She saw a stern look had replaced the disappointment.   

The details of what happened after that were a blur to Silvia, as she laid there in the mud and the rain.   She remembered being told to strip and then following Matt to the kitchen where he got a tools and stakes and rope from the cupboard.   Her next memory was her thinking how wet the air felt, as she walked across the lawn, following Matt outside.   He continued walking until he was almost to the woods that edged his property.

But there he stopped.   Here the grass wasn't as thick as the rest of the lawn.   Silvia could seen the dirt becoming moist, as the mist was soaked in.   "Lay down.  Ass to the sky" He told her, as he started cutting the rope into short pieces.  She followed his order and put her ass to the sky.  Arms out before her and less straight behind her.

Silvia winced a bit as felt Him suddenly tug on a wrist.   Then there was the sensation of the rope encircling it.  While she was wondering what He was doing,  there was a tug on her whole arm, as it was pulled away from her.   Next was a hammering.

Thud, thud, thud.

She closed her eyes as Silvia now knew what he was doing.   

He was staking her to the ground.  

Silvia's other three limbs followed the same pattern.    Soon she could not move much, tied as she was.   She imagined herself as a giant starfish on the beach.    "I guess I am lucky the sun is behind the clouds", she kind of giggled to herself, as she wondered what was going to happen next.

Hearing him gathering his tools, she turned her head and opened her eyes.   There she saw His brown loafer and heard Him say "Silvia, look up at me."  She turned her head again so her chin on on the rapidly wetting dirt and shifted her neck so she could look up as far she she could.

"I want you to think about what you have done."  Matt spoke down to her.  "I will come get you when I am ready.  If you can not stand it anymore, I will be where I can hear your safeword.   But until then......" 

Matt then turned and she watched Him as she disappeared into the woods.    

That was when the rain started to fall.


11 months ago. October 9, 2023 at 8:06 PM

So I have been wanting to build a quasi suspension rig for my developing play area.   Not to do a full suspension, but something where I can pull a sub's arms over her head.   This idea has been bouncing around my head a bit and so I put it together to see how it works.    Currently it is unnamed as I have no idea what to call it.    It is still a work in progress, as the wood needs to be sanded and stained.   


11 months ago. October 8, 2023 at 3:15 PM

"My God, Sarah!  It was like being wrapped in a warm blanket and then then everything went all white!"  Silvia remarked to her friend across the table at the coffee shop.

There they were at the same place where Sarah had put Matt's number Silvia's phone.   Here is was 6 months later and Silvia could not believe how fast the time had gone.   She had been learning under His tutorship and her life was wonderful!   

Silvia had been learning so many things:  How to serve Matt drinks and food, how to lay out his clothes for the day, how to fill his pipe and light same.   Her ability to kneel before him was now second nature.   Silvia even taught herself how to get up from a kneel to her feet without using her hands on the floor.

All of this she confided to Sarah and continued to thank her for bringing her and Matt together.   Sarah just smiled and sipped her coffee, letting Silvia gush over her words.    When Silvia finally seemed to run out of word, Sarah put down her mug and took Silvia's hand in her's.

"I'm so glad you are learning what you need to, Silvia.  Matt taught me many of the same things and, yes, He is a wonderful man.  I'm also happy you are giving him your best.  Like I told you to."  Sarah let go of her hand and picked up her mug again.  Bringing to to her lips, Sarah asked "Has he tested you yet?   A real Test?"

Silvia gave her a puzzled look and replied "Test?"

Setting the mug back on the table, Sarah nodded and said "Yes.  He is going to test your loyalty and will power.   He wants to tease you and see how you respond.  Oh it won't be something big and he won't punish you badly if you fail, but He will push your buttons. "  Sarah picked up the mug and sipped again with a cream in the whiskers look on her grin.

Silvia drank her coffee without looking at Sarah.   Her thoughts were lost in the swirling darkness in her own mug.  Test?   What could it be?   What should she do.  Or not do?   Christ, things get complicated so fast, she thought to herself.   Maybe Sarah can help.

She set her mug down in front of her and looked Sarah in the eye, saying "Well He did give me a task today.  He wants to take me to this club for the first time to show me off, I think.    He told me to get a new dress.  Something green.   He says my skin tone looks the best in green.   What do you think?"

Sarah's eyes went wide and asked " Söt­­ëria?"

Silvia nodded and said "I think that is what He said.

Her friend giggled.  "You are stepping up girlfriend!   He is proud of you, if he is going to introduce to everyone there.  Now is your chance to show some initiative!   Forget the green.  Red is Matt's signature color.  If you want to show everyone there how much you belong to Him, get yourself a red dress.   Dark red."

Silvia absently nodded while going over Sarah's words in her mind.    She did want to belong to Matt, even though she was not officially collared yet.   She wanted to make him proud and be a centerpiece in His world. 

The girls talk moved into other areas.  Some lifestyle, some vanilla, until Silvia looked at her watch and noticed she just had time to look at dresses and get back to Matt's house outside of town, before dinner.  Thanking Sarah for the advice, Silvia kissed her on the cheek and said goodbye.

Getting into her car, Silvia drove over to the dress shop Matt had suggested.   It was a small out of the way place and she almost missed it while looking for a place to park.    The front window showed three dresses in various colors.   The one in the middle was an emerald green.   After looking at it awhile, Silvia turned and opened the door.

Once inside, she saw dresses of all kinds: Formal, everyday, even french maid outfits.   Silvia looked through a number of them when a salesperson  approached her with the common "May I help you find something?"

Silvia held up a wonderful looking formal dress.   Low neckline and plunging back.  "Yes," she replied, "Do you have something like this in red?"

"Dark Red?" 



11 months ago. October 7, 2023 at 2:00 PM

I am often finding this phrase listed in people's profiles.   Most of the time when speaking about limits. 


Now I get that everyone has their limits and they should.   Even me.


But, I don't think you all realize that most of what we do is illegal.  Throughout the world, ownership of other humans is against the law.   Intentionally hitting someone (consensual or not) is also against the law.   Confining them (bondage), against the law.  Subjecting them to pain, humiliating them, forcibly stripping them: Against the law.


Now you should have limits, but don't be so lazy you can't list them.    



11 months ago. October 6, 2023 at 3:48 PM


Hello Dear Reader!   


Just wanted to drop a note saying I haven't forgotten you all!  


Things have just been a little different around here and haven't been in the right headspace to do more writing.   But I've made some adjustments and gotten some good news so I'll be back on the ball next well with an new and, hopefully, exciting new chapter for Silvia.  


Thank you all who have reached out and asked me when the next chapter is going to happen!


She'll see you all soonly!