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Tersely Pertinent

This blog is a place for me to post things to get them out of my head.

My writings give a hint of the way I view the lifestyle, both good and bad.

My projects give my hands something to do, when my writing fails me.
1 month ago. August 1, 2024 at 4:49 PM

when the power has been out for 14 hours?


Apparently, go get some ☕ and little chocolate  🍩s, then sit back to see how many people will read a throw off post.



1 month ago. July 30, 2024 at 7:05 PM



So the project is completed!  




It's been through a stress test, after full completion and seems to work very well.


The main problem is it has a cosmetic flaw to it:



But I have already found a workaround and will apply that to future builds

Such as the Stainless Steel handle I am already got in my head.



1 month ago. July 29, 2024 at 7:17 PM



The Subject laid there, as best as she could, trying to catch her breath.


Even with her ass up in the air and her bowel filled with a still warm liquid, her hands down by her feet, and a leash tied to a collar around her neck and then to a spreader bar between her ankles, she felt like a two gallon puddled in a one gallon pohole.

And having an ice cold speculum holding her pussy open and touched off with an electric wand didn't help.


As her breathing quieted down, she could feel The Man's hand stroke her hair and mermer into hear ear.  Focusing enough to listen to his words, she heard Him trying to get her to do something.  "....didn't want to do that...."  His voice was getting clearer.

"But my employers do need that code. I don't want to hurt you, but you are just being stubborn.  Why not give me the code and we can end all this. "  He told her while continuing to stroke her hair.  "You do want this to be over don't you?    You don't want to continue to suffer like this."

The Subject moaned slightly and tried to shake her head.   She didn't want to give in.  She didn't want The Man to win.  Most of all, she didn't want Him to win.   No matter what she had to take,  He couldn't win.

Sighing heavily, The Man gave her a final pat on the head and once again trailed his hand down her to her ass.   This He gave a firm slap, causing the the tube leading to anus to shake.   Then all at once, she felt the pressure of the speculum suddenly ease and the evil thing removed from her cunt. 

She relaxed as much as she could.  At least some of the pressure was gone, she thought.    Then she heard a familiar buzzing sound and felt a vibration on the inside of her left leg.   "Perhaps the pain is not something you fear then.   How do you feel about pleasure?"   He taunted her, as the vibration moved to inbetween her legs.

"Oh God, No!  Please No!"  She pleaded to herself.   "Please not now!  Please, please, PLEASE!"   But outwardly, she let no sound escape her mouth, as the head of the magic wand moved up and down the lips of her vulva.   The Subject tried to move away from the wand, by she could not get far, trussed up as she was. 

"There, there now." The man cooed to her.  "This isn't going to hurt you one bit."

Her breathing began to get heavy again.  She tried to slow it, to fight off the coming orgasum.  But the feeling was too great!   A few more seconds and she would explode in the bright lights and release!   "I've lost" she almost to herself.

Then the vibration withdrew....


"Oh God, not that!  NOT THAT!"  The Subject screamed in her head!


After a minute, the vibration returned.  Up and down each lip.  Around and over her clit.    The sinsation never centered.   It was always moving her vulva.   Then The Man would run it over her ass cheeks and around the plug filled anus.  While He did this, He would run the fingers of his other hand over her pussy, often making "yum yum" sounds while licking his fingers in-between strokes.

But always as she was about to cum, he would stop.   The subject lost count of times she was about to cross over because of that.    Her tears began to flow again.

"Please, no more!  I can't take it anymore!" She begged of him.   The vibration finally centered on her clit.   Then there was a slap on her ass.  "What," He started, "is the code?  Only he punctuated each word with a harder and harder slap on her ass!

"4132" The subject told him and began to cry again.  She lost and now she was going to get her reward.

"NOW!"  The Man screamed at her!

Her body shook as her orgasum overcame her.    Muscles clenched and a great sensation of pure heaven flooded her body.  All the tension escaped her and her consciousness faded....


When she awoke, she was freed from spreader bar and cuffs.   Her arms were laying curled up under her head and she discovered herself covered in a warm blanket.   Her eyes fluttered open and found her Master looking at her with some concern.  

"Hi," she whispered to Him.

"Hi back" He returned, "You put up a fight this time."

"Almost.  But you still won." 

Her Master smiled and leaned down to kiss her on the forehead.

"Just one thing though,"  She said as she blinked her shining orbs at him.

"Yes, My Love?"

"Could you take this fucking tube out of my asshole so I can take a dump somewhere?" 











2 months ago. July 26, 2024 at 4:12 PM



I've been having the creative itch again. 


While talking about the different kinds of leather I have in my flogger collection currently, I  thought it might be nice to have a Moose hide one.    So, instead of buying one, I thought I would see if I was skilled enough to make one of my own.

I ordered some tobacco colored leather from a place in  Washington State and this is what they sent me:



 I cut some of that into half inch wide stips, 12 inches long.  For a handle, I went back to the copper piece I used for my self bondage idea (which really didn't work out but I'm still doing some thinking on that).   Then I glued the strips into the inside of the tube:


(That's 13 Falls)


The ends I am going to cap with rubber leg tips: One drilled out for the falls to pass through and the other I decorated with a drawer pull and leather lace for a loop.   



So now I have all 26 falls glued in and waiting for it to cure to see if I can get the top cap on.   As thin as the leather was, it turned out to fill the top of the tube almost full:

(13 Falls)


(26 Falls)


I am now waiting for the glue (Shoe Glue) to fully cure before I put the caps on.     Then the testing will start to see if the adhesive holds the falls under stress.    I just hope it works and then I will have to test it out on a live target.


(looks like Cousin It from the Addams Family)


2 months ago. July 25, 2024 at 12:55 PM



The Subject cried in her humiliation.


It wasn't the fact she was trussed up with her legs locked by a spreader bar or her hands cuffed together down by her ankles, or even the fact her ass was forced up in the air to be filled by a warm fluid.   Not even the wet sound of The Man's hand being pulled from her soaking pussy seemed to pass to her mind.

It was admitting she was a nasty cunt to Him.


And that she craved it.


The Man walked around the exam table and leaned down to her, so he could look her straight in the eye.   Reaching out to grasp her jaw with the juice covered glove, he said to her "See?  I knew we could have a meeting of the minds.    While you really didn't give me what I wanted, you admitted what you really are: A wanton little slut.   I think you are enjoying this more than me."

He gave her jaw a final shake and wiped the goo from his glove on her cheek and forehead.   Turning his back on her, He pulled off the glove and tossed it on the floor.    Then she saw him walk back to the wheeled cart and open a round container on a tray.    The Subject heard a familiar crunch as he stuck His hand into the container and pull out a medical speculum.  

Her eyes widened, not so much at the speculum itself. But at the piese of ice that fell out of the container when he pulled it out.

She tried to get off the table, but all she could manage was a wiggle.   Her ass shook the tube that ran from it to the enema bottle hanging from the IV pole.    The wiggling caused the fluid in her bowel to increase the pressure.    The fear only increased her embarshment.  

The man walked back the table and leaned down once again.   Holding the metal speculum up, working the handle, He told her "Since I didn't find anything up there by feel, I'm going to have to take a look.   A close look."    

The subject slammed her eyes shut, trying to prepare for what was to come.   She could hear His steps as He went back to the end of the table.    Then suddenly she felt the cold as he plunged the instrument into her twat. She felt as it if someone opened a door to the artic.     Her body shivered from the cold, which again made the pressure in her bowels increase more.

"Let's see what we can find, huh?"  He told her as he worked the handle of the speculum.  She felt the cold wings of the tool open her up.  He was sloooooooowly working the handle, as if her twat was fragile and he needed to be careful.  Each pump seemed to make the cold even worse.

When He finally stopped, the pressure on her twat was enormous!  The Subject didn't know she could be opened that far.  "My god," she thought, "Is he going to stick his whole hand up there??"

The Man pattered her on the ass and then ran His hand down her back and across her spine.    When he got to her neck, he suddenly grabbed her hair close to her scalp and pulled her head up.    He shook her so she would focus on him and then reached his other hand into a pocket of his lab coat.

"Now, we are going to have to get a bit serious."  He told her.  "I think you should tell me what that code is before things get beyond what you can handle.   What is the code?"

The Subject clamped her mouth closed and shook her head.   The Man sighed and pulled his hand from the pocket and showed was was there to her.   It was a small wand of some sort, that gave a small buzzing sound when He triggered it.

"Are you sure you don't want to tell me?"  He asked her with a slight frown.   Again she clamped her mouth and shook her head.

"Ok," He replied and touched the wand to the table top.

She felt a slight tingle going from the table to her body.   From her shoulders to her tits to arms and all down her body, the sensation seemed to travel from head to foot.    It wasn't painful but still it was there.

Letting go of her head, The Man walked once again to the other end of the table.  "Guess I will have to up the voltage a few notches" He remarked, as he turned a control on the wand.   "Are you sure you don't want to tell me the code?"

Before she had a chance to make any kind of reply, there was an explosion of pain from her vagina. A biting pain.   The pain of electricity. 

The Subject screamed and then cried again.

2 months ago. July 24, 2024 at 4:34 PM



The Subject attempted to clench her ass cheeks, to keep the plug from going in.


She could feel The Man's hands separating them, slowly, and she fought as hard as she could.   His cold, rubber gloves pull against her strength.   But try as she might, her ass opened up for Him, revealing her anus.  "Oh there's a pretty sight!" she heard as she felt a slight probing.   "I bet you do a great deal of ass fucking, don't you?"

The Man poked at her hole with a thumb.  First circling the anus and then slowly sliding it in.  "So smooth, so easy..." He exclaimed, plunging the thumb in to the base of his hand.   Moving the digit up and down, side to side, he acted as if he was fishing for something. 

The Subject wiggled as much as she could, trying to escape the man's touch.   The problem was she could not move much, being cuffed up in a face down, ass up position.   She was pinned and unable to make any move away from Him.

"Please, please don't!   I don't know what you are wanting!   Why are you doing this to me?"  She pleaded at Him.  But her words went unheeded.   She felt him pull his thumb out of her ass and then replace it with the plug he had in his other hand.  The snap of His glove coming off came to her ears with Him saying "I just wanted to see if there was a flash drive up there.   But now I'm going to give you a wash to see if it is up there further."

Suddenly a warm feeling filled her rectum.  She gasped as the feeling of the liquid spread further into her body. "Don't worry," He said, "Nothing harmful.  Just some water with a little additive to relax you.   Really it should make you feel a bit euphoric." 

Her breathing increase as she tried to struggle against the warmth and the giddiness that started to overcome her.   The Subject's body started to relax against her will.   Slowly her muscles unclinched and even being forced into the position she was in didn't feel so bad.

"There we go, " The Man said. "Let's see if we can't relax you some more."  

She felt one his his glove covered hands slip between her legs.    It just rubbed against her vula.  Slowly, back and forth, back and forth.     First it hurt, as the latex pulled at her skin.   But as the strokes became longer and firmer, the stokes became silkier, as her juices started to drip.

"Oh my!  You are a wanton little cunt, aren't you?   You like this, don't you?"

The Subject clinched her eyes shut and bit her lip, trying to keep the growing moans locked inside.   She tried to will her body not to respond to his touch, but it would not listen.   Her genitals seemed to beg more for his touch, instead of retreating.  It was all she could do to keep it engulfing his hand.

The Man stopped his stroking to ease his thumb and forefinger between her lips and separate them, moving them up and down the inside.   This only made the juice flow to increase.   With a sudden plunge,  The Man drilled his forefinger deep inside The Subject.

A moan escaped her mouth and again when he added a second finger to the first.   "Tell me what kind of slut you are," He demanded of her, as he worked his fingers in and out of her.   First the two and then added his ring finger to the action.

She wanted to shake her head but she couldn't.   She wanted to bite her tongue but if she undid her jaws, the moans would escape again.   She fought off her orgasum as much as she could.   

The plunging and retreating was moving faster and faster.   The fingers (was it four now?) seemed to drilling deeper and deeper inside!  "Either tell me the code or tell me what a nasty little cunt you are!"

 The Subject could no longer stand it.    Her mouth seemed to have it own mind when it opened and said:

"I'm a nasty, nasty little cunt!" 






2 months ago. July 23, 2024 at 2:49 PM



The Subject couldn't move.  


She was immobilized on a stainless steel exam table, face down and her arm cuffed together and forced though her legs.   This made her ass to stick up high in the air.   She couldn't because a leash ran from a collar around to neck to a spreader bar between her ankles.   

To make things worse, the medical gown she was was wearing was sliding down her back, towards her head.   The cold air in the exam room chilled her ass and vigaina as they were bared for anyone to see.   

The only thing The Subject could see, was part of one wall and a rolling cart holding a few items she could not quite make out.  But she could feel The Man's hand running up her right leg and then patting her on the ass.  She shuttered, not only from the cold of the room, but from the touch.

"There." His voice came to her. "That will keep you from getting into trouble for a bit."  He moved to her head and leaned down so she could see Him eye to eye. " Now is there anything you want to tell me before we begin?"  He grinned at her with a lear and patted her head.     

Turning his back on her, he walked over to the cart.  "My Employers want a simple four digit code.   Password, combination,  something like that."   As he spoke to her, all she could see was his back and hands as he examined various things from the cart, holding them up to the light. "Really, it makes no difference to me.   They get the code, I get to have fun. "   The man turned to look at The Subject and said "You.  You get to experience something really interesting...."

She closed her eyes and wished she could do something.   Get away, fight back...something.  But here she was trussed up like a thanksgiving turkey ready to go in the oven.   "Please let me go!  Please!  I don't know anything!" The Subject croaked out as best she could.  "I don't know what code you are talking about!"

The man sighed heavily.   "If that is the way you wish to go, then I will have to start the fun."   She snapped her eye open to see Him rolling an IV pole next to the table.    Hanging from it was red rubber bag that had a tube attached to it.    When he got to the table, he leaned down and held a black plug to her eye.  "But first a little cleansing. "

2 months ago. July 22, 2024 at 3:55 PM



The man patted The Subject on the top of her head, as she continued to stare at the floor.  Turning his back on her, he walked to a corner of the room to fetch a stool stored there.      It made a loud screeching noise as he dragged it across the floor.   He placed it a short distance from her chair and made himself comfortable on it.

Pushing his glasses back in place, He spent some time reading what was on his clipboard.  The Subject didn't bother to look up, she ignored him as much as possible.  This went on for some minutes.    She began to notice how cold the room was.   Her skin was getting goose pimples and her body gave a slight shiver.

After a lengthy time, The Man let the clipboard fall to his lap, and he pulled his glasses slightly down so he could look at The Subject.  Speaking to the top of her head, He told her "My employers know who you are and who you work for.  It seems you have some information they wish to know.   What is not known, is whether you have it physically on you or simply inside your head.    So they have asked me to retrieve that information."

The Subject closed her eyes and remained silent.   A number of questions ran through her mind: How do they know that?  Who are they?  How did they get me here?   I can't tell them ANYTHING!!!

They sat together in the cold room.   The man staring at the top of her head, her trying to hug herself as best she could.  Seconds flowed into minutes and the minutes seemed like hours.

With a sigh, The Man got off the stool and set his clipboard on the seat.  "I thought that would be the case.   Seems I will have to do some digging.  That is ok.  We have plenty of time."  He then walked over to her chair and unhooked the leash from the arm. "Let's go over to the exam table.  Walking is fine, no need to crawl."

He tugged gently on the leash until she stood up, her head still down and led her over to the stainless steel topped table. Pulling out a small step stool from the pedestal, The Man patted the top and said  "Pleased to sit."

The Subject looked at the exam table, then at The Man and shook her head.  " Please don't make me use the collar.  We are going to get to know one another very well over the next few hours." He almost pleaded with her. "Sit please."

She looked at the table again and then sighed.  Giving in, she climbed up on the table and sat facing him, the leash dangling down her chest and between her legs.  He praised her with a "Such a good girl!" and started opening and closing drawers.  "Ah!  Here they are!"

Plunging a hand into one the drawer, He pulled out a set of brown leather cuffs.  These he set next to her on the table and then retrieved second set of slightly larger ones.   Putting those down with the first ones, The Man grasped one of The Subject's arms and began to examine her wrist.

He ran his thumb across the inside of her wrist and held it up to His eyes.  Turning over her hand, He did the same to the outside. "Perfect!  Simply outstanding!"  He told her, as he lifted one one of the smaller cuffs and fastened on her.   He then preformed the same operation on her other hand.

Backing up slightly, he lifted her left leg and placed her foot on his thigh.   Marveling at her well turned ankle, He grinned as He examined and looped one of the larger cuffs on her, repeating the actions with her other leg. The Man then stepped back up to her  placed his hand into the drawer more time.  This time he brought out a small padlock.  

Bringing both her hands together, he slid the the shank of the lock through the D rings on both wrist cuffs and closed the lock.

The click was very audible in the room.

"Now let's place you face down on the table, shall we?  Here, I'll help."  The Subject closed her eyes as she felt his hands turning her body so she could lie down without falling off the exam table. She could feel him stuff the leash between her arms and down to her legs.    Her breasts could feel the cold, cold table through the thin material of her gown.    When He was done arranging  her on the table, she found herself laying on her bound arms and feet as flat as they could, toes pointing straight behind her.  He had turned her head face the wall and one of eyes could see a tray of instruments on a rolling cart. 

"Very, very good, " He told her, patting her ass.  "I'm very proud of you behaving so well!"  While patting her ass again, she could hear him rattling around in the drawer again.   With a sudden slam, He moved his touch down her ass to her leg  as he moved down the table.   Reaching the end of the table, she felt Him do something to one ankle cuff then another.    Suddenly, she couldn't move her legs  together, or open them.

"There, that spreader bar will help keep you on place.    Now this will be a big uncomfortable."

There was a pulling on the leash.    At the same time, she felt her legs being pushed up towards her head.   The Subject had to choice but to make her body smaller by raising her ass in the air.  With another click, she found herself forced into the sexual position of Ass Up, Face Down.   

Then she heard the Man say "Now.  We can begin."


2 months ago. July 21, 2024 at 4:21 PM



The subject awoke to find herself sitting in a chair.    As her eyes gained focus, she looked around to find herself in a small white room with white floor tiles.  They made her feet cold.   She then realized the reason her feet were cold was because she was barefooted.   Where were her shoes, she wondered, trying to gather her wits.

Her eyes went from her bare feet to her bare legs and saw the edge of a smock across her thighs.  She shifted her gaze to her chest and saw she was wearing a medical smock, the kind you had physical exams in when at the Doctor's office.   The subject jumped out of the chair she was sitting and twirled in a circle to see the back of the smock.

Then she suddenly got dizzy.   Staggering forward, while one hand held her head, in an effort to fight off the dizziness,  she found herself leaning against a solid object.  The subject blinked her eyes in an effort to clear them and then saw was she was leaning against.

It was a medical exam table.  Only it wasn't one she had ever seen in any doctor's office.    Yes, the pedestal was sorta like the regular one but it was all white with drawers.    The top of the exam table was shiny metal.    It was so polished that when The Subject looked down, she could see her mirrored image. 

"My God!", she thought to herself, "where am I?"  The Subject stared at her image as she ran her hands through her dark hair.  She watched her self slide them down her face and over her chin.   That is when she saw the black band around her neck.   Lifting her chin and lowering eyes, the table reflection showed her she was wearing a collar of some kind.

As The Subject was feeling the collar around her neck, trying to figure out how to get it off, she heard a click behind her and someone saying "Ah! Good, you are a wake!"   She turned around and saw a slightly balding man, somewhere around 50 or so, wearing a lab coat, grey slacks and black shoes.

"Good Morning, or Afternoon or Evening.  I can never tell anymore in this place." He told The Subject.   "Please to sit and we can get started. "  Using a clipboard in his hand to point her back to the chair she awakened in. 

"Where am I?  What is this place?  Who the hell are you?"  The subject rapid fired at the Man.   

"Tisk Tisk Tisk.  Such noise..." The Man replied while shaking his head so that his glasses slid half way down his nose.   He then reached a hand into a pocket on his coat. 

Suddenly, The Subject felt a shocking bite on her neck.   So great was the pain, it dove her down to her knees.   But it didn't last long.    When she cleared the tears from her eyes, she found the man standing above her.   Smiling down, He said "Very good!  You have learned your first lesson!   Let me help you to your chair!"  With that, He reached into his other pocket and brought out a chain leash with a snap on the end.   He attached the leash to The Subject's collar and walked in the direction of the chair.

The Subject was hesitant to follow him.   When she didn't move, the Man yanked hard on the leash, without looking back.  Very hard.   This made her pitch forward on her face.    Still without looking back, He asked her "Do you wish the pain again?"

The Subject shook her head, then realized He could not see her.  "No.." she whispered, then getting up on all fours.  "Good girl" The Man's voice came from over her shoulder.   Together they went across the floor, back to the chair.  He walking and her crawling.

When The Man got to the chair, he patted the seat and said "Sit".   The Subject climbed into the chair from the floor and seated herself.   She tried to make herself as small as she could, feet flat on the cold floor, knees together and arms folded in the pit her of stomach.   She could not bring herself to look at The Man, but watched his hands as he clipped the leash to a small hole in the arm of the chair.   

And then locked it into place.

His voice said "Now we can begin...."






2 months ago. July 19, 2024 at 8:47 PM




If you use the word





to me in an email

don't expect a reply


If you do it twice,

Don't get upset when you get

