I didn't make a youtube video because I was at the pool all day (uhhh don't tell the rabbi bc we are not supposed to be swimming)
I have sexual experience with only a few partners and I'm rather experimental, but I haven't taken the time to learn a lot about sex or seduction. I tried watching pornhub and it wasn't my thing and I have some elementary sex toy experience, but I'm still a noob. Well, speaking of pornhub, I was watching a youtube channel that mentioned gossip about Adam22 and Lena The Plug (these folks do porn and Adam22 runs the No Jumper podcast, which used to be great until he started disrespecting housephone and AD). The jist is that Adam hired another guy to do the deed with Lena and now everyone is calling him a cuck. Whatever, not the point, but I didn't want to leave you hanging. Just in case you need to know where I stand, I've always been Team Adam22 Sucks and I've always had a girl crush on Lena.
Anyway, this youtube channel (her name is Chrissie btw) shared this feminine seduction style quiz and I thought I'd share it with the community. There are paid courses and you guys seem to get pissed about people getting paid, but there is also a ton of great free information and I didn't buy anything. My archetypes are the Mystic, Gamine and Enigma.
My 'secret weapons' are my introversion, soulfulness, ability to turn a house into a home, child-like personality, and some other stuff I don't remember.
I wish I could post a picture of the infographic (and other pics), but I'm not premium anymore and I spend my cash on makeup and fragrances now. I know that the majority of people who read this are men, but it could be interesting to share with the ladies in your life. I don't have any interesting news today or thoughts because my body and brain are tired. I enjoy that feeling and am not mad at it. I'm going to finish up some work and finish watching a movie. Have a good evening.
Oh and the Barbie movie is out and I'm sad that Nicki is not playing Barbie and my kid is too young to watch it so I'm going to wait. This video is really cute though.
Edit: Apparently the author of the Women Love Power website, Ayesha Faines, passed at age 35. RIP to her and that's so sad. wow. This is a personal reminder to take care of your loved ones and enjoy the time you have with them because life is precious and fragile. :(