Well, I have been studying and have had one successful interaction with my ex and I'm not trying to let it get to my head. Here is the social anxiety desensitization video. I may even go out tonight friends. It is supposed to be a week of back luck for jews but so far I can't be mad anymore. I'm going to buy some black AF1s I feel like a bad bitch ready to put in some work. I am not putting in any werk I'm a middle aged Karen. This is the first time I have empathy for all those weak ass fake internet doms who don't want to show their face online. I think he'd laugh though plus fuck him. Love you please don't expose me today thanks I love you (in a non-specific way)
Cash me outside today perhaps.
Fat ass middle age karen crew is in the house workong from home winning today! Put it on the floor I cannot. I will wear whatever jammies you want though not just the leather ones