Over the months I’ve gotten quite a few interesting messages, ranging from intelligent appeals for further interaction, to one single line entreating me to conquer and subdue the author.
There have been a couple unsolicited pictures which have been thoroughly studied and analyzed with the utmost attention as examples of anatomy for my artwork, as the pictures all seem to be at least average, though posture is often deplorable in most of them. I don’t complain of course. Obviously I’m less than impressed when I’m sent such pictures without expressly requesting them.
Any pictures I’ve requested have been above expectations to say the least, but honestly I thought it time I share a little about how best to approach a Lady Domme like myself. I’ll break it down into three categories.
1) Length! I am least likely to respond to a single word or short sentence, at least with anything resembling interest. At minimum express your reason for messaging me. Did you like my sketch and wish to know more about my artworks? Was it the alternative hair and piercing? Or perhaps you saw a busty Domme and wanted to try your luck. As I’m not currently in possession of mind reading abilities, I will not know what you are looking for from me, become annoyed and you’re already on thin ice. A few sentences about what you’re interest in me is, perhaps even a paragraph, is perfect.
Conversely I do not need your entire life history including transcripts and half a dozen references either. While I may take a shine to you and ask questions later, your memoirs in a first message is just too much.
2) Pictures! I am not opposed to receiving pictures, even those of unclothed individuals. I am opposed to receiving such from persons with whom I’ve had not previous contact. When presented this situation, I simply appreciate the gift of free anatomy references, and have no further contact with the sender. Sometimes that’s blocking them, sometimes that’s simply not answering them till they get the hint.
If a picture is sent, a headshot is more than adequate or a clothed body if the sender should wish to show their body. Otherwise waiting until an understanding is established. Ladies can be vicious when unimpressive nudes are concerned, and we always have friends to discuss them with.
Finally 3) Limits. As a Lady Domme, one of the biggest red flags is “no limits” in messaging or the potential submissive’s profile. Everyone has limits, and those should be understood and discussed before a Dynamic is entered. Equally unacceptable is pushing my limits.
I have very set limits, and in a dynamic limits should be fully discussed and understood by all parties involved. I have a reason for each limit I have, soft and hard, and begging me to change them for you is the fastest way to turn me off to any attraction I may have begun to feel. My interest will dry up like a sun baked lake in a heavy drought.
I am always happy to share stories and my experiences with curious individuals, but respect is nonnegotiable for me. As a Lady I demand that respect, and I will return it as it’s earned. But hopefully this little post helps others rethink their strategy. Ladies do tend to be much more inclined to engage a servant with good manners after all.