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Master's Ramblings

Thoughts of an unfulfilled man roaming in search of a relationship that allows me to be who I am.
1 year ago. March 23, 2023 at 11:10 AM

If a tree falls in the forest and there is nothing around to hear it, does it make a sound?  No, because sound waves are converted to sound by the listener.  This is a scientific technicality and brooches philosophy, but the question and logic are sound.  I'm not saying the tree doesn't exist without an observer, but the conversion of vibrations in the air to actual sound requires a process that is missing.  I'm not discussing quantum physics or the possibility of unperceived existence, as I agree with Einstein that just because no one is looking at the moon that it's existence comes into question.

So, I may be a Dom, but does that mean that I'm not a Master without a slave?  Does a person require someone to be Master over before they are actually a Master?  Does the slave convert the Dominant into a Master by the nature of their submission and service?


I know personally that I'm not fulfilled, but does it change my perception of myself?  This can be asked across a multitude of titles, I'm just posting here to share my question.  I am leaning towards the "No, I cannot be a Master without a slave", I may have those skills or tendencies, but I am not.  This is where I feel lacking, when my sense of self is a Master but I'm not truly one yet.

1 year ago. March 23, 2023 at 10:49 AM

After finding someone that you share values and ideas with online says one little thing out of place, mark it as a red flag if you need to, but don't throw out the baby with the bathwater.  I'm talking about the initial interest and topical vetting that typically occurs from they way they write using vocabulary, sentence structure, comprehensive thoughts, or how they treat you in words.


If using online as the metric, once you determine someone is interesting, make an effort to talk, video chat, or meet in order to get a better sense of who they are instead of inferring from your interpretation of what you read.  How much of yourself are you inserting into what the other person typed?  Without body language, tone, and linguistic cues, text alone shares about half of the story.


So, where is the other half coming from?  Your own experiences, whatever pain, fear, hopes, or hesitations you have are going to make up the other half.  Before jumping to conclusions or contesting this statement, I stated above "after finding someone", so you've already got over the initial profile vetting that needs to occur.


The risk that YOU WILL sabotage a good candidate or possible relationship increases the longer that it stays in written word only.  Once you get past that barrier, make an effort to speak to them, in a call or video chat.  It will open up whole new possibilities and will remove some of the personal injections that we've already made into the conversation. 


This behavior only results in closing communication and you'll never have a healthy and open dialog in a relationship by doing this.  It also puts up walls in others that are wounded by this experience.  One misunderstanding or misstatement shouldn't be cause for cutting someone off, it should be a chance to see how they react or clarify it, and how they react when you open communication.