I think the saddest thing I've read this week, is seeing the sentence, if you don't love you don't expect me to.
How low can you get. If a woman/man/ non gender doesn't love themselves doesn't that beg the question why? If someone doesn't love themselves and their partner can't be bothered to help them learn to or to love them despite the fact that the other doesn't love themselves, then why are you even with them.
I hate hate hate when people say things like that. Why? Because you never know what the hell a person has been through to put them in that state of mind. Like wtf is wrong with you that you can so easily cast judgment like that?
A child does not start off hating themselves. They go through fear, judgement, and the bitter realities of this world, and sometimes abuse, to the point of beginning to hate themselves.
Did you ever stop to think that maybe a person hates themselves because unlike you they've never know a kind touch, or a different view that would teach them to love themselves otherwise. I'm not saying it's anyone's job to help someone love themselves. What I am saying is you cannot claim to love or have affection for someone you can't be bothered with. That is a cold hard truth a lot of people need to wake up and see. If you can't be bothered to help someone in desperate need to see thier own beauty and self worth then you just don't deserve to be a part of their life.
I want no part of someone who can stand to the side and cast judgement on someone based on thier own selfish ideas. It's why I hate this world so much. People can be so cruel and so blind. They judge before they even know. Maybe God gave me a soft heart and an open mind so I could see before I ever thought.
This world was not designed to tear people apart and into pieces. It wasn't made to make others feel fear, insecurity, or heart ache. No, only the fucking people in this world do that, and it makes me so sick to my stomache to see it.
Think before you speak, think before you act, and most definitely think before you write. Ugh. No bestie, I don't need you to go beat up someone lol, I just read something that disgusted me, and got me riled up is all.