Stepping outside in them midst of winters cold gale, is like receiving kisses from the frost fairies of the vale.
How they laugh and dance and play among the frost covered leaves, while the sun beams bend and play among the cold of the mornings eve.
I assume many would hurry and scatter to and fro seeking to escape that numbing cold, but not me, no never me.
The kiss of a frost fairy or two, the colorful joy of the dancing leaves as they fall, the unbalanced wind seeking to destroy all, yes they call to me and I call back with a joyful laugh.
Summer is to hot to go and play and leaves me red oh how that I dread.
Spring is fun , but my nose wants to run, and Id rather hide away than sneeze all day.
fall is perfect for all, but winter is just a chosen few.
lucky me that's its I and you. The chill of the wind , the fun of the snow, the laughter that rings out as a sledding we go, such joy to be found all around in that winters cold, that some hope, will never grow old.