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Soon 2023 will be gone

Another year is about to end. What are the plans for 2024? Mine are to slow down just live from day to day and worry less about the things that I can not change but change those issues that I can do something about. I know that I can not physically live forever in my body. But I will spiritually alive.
1 week ago. October 13, 2024 at 4:44 AM

My quest is over I will not be looking for a special lady anymore however I will stay in touch with friends that I have made here but that is all 

LaVieEnRose​(sub female){Kintsugi} - Sometimes you find someone when you least expect it, I say focus on you but you never know!
1 week ago
Spanks hard​(dom male){Looking } - I have been told that more times than I can not to mention just when I thought that my search was over and found her I was lied to. I am also much older than some of the girls on this site are, it is not easy for a man my age to find a girl whom I would not have to baby sit all the time..
1 week ago
LaVieEnRose​(sub female){Kintsugi} - I do get that but there are other sites out there. I personally say don’t give up, I never thought I’d find someone and when and where I least expected him, I found my Sir 💜
1 week ago

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