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Travels and trials in my journey

A collection of memories and of future endeavors
2 months ago. July 2, 2024 at 1:45 AM

Good evening, fellow kinksters!

     I have spent a lot of time in my own head recently. As truly terrifying as that might sound, I’ve made some discoveries that I can’t explain but accept as a part of me, nonetheless.

    How did I come to know I was a Dom? Or, at least, being able to function as one to an extent? Looking way back in my somewhat addled memory, I found my self the day I discovered the Gor series by John Norman. Yes. I’m sure that was it. Reading the well thought out words of his led me to imagining pretty young damsels shackled at my feet. 
   Reading that series unlocked something in my mind that has lain dormant for quite a long time and has been awakened again most recently . Those images dance behind my eyes while the world muddles by out in front of me. People cannot see what’s going through my mind (at least I hope not!) and the flashing images. Most people would not understand what I see there, but I know most of you do. 
    Its freedom. From myself. From the world. I am who I am
and you are all who you are. We are, to my way of thinking, outcasts from mainstream society. We all like something different, and differently, than many people in the mainstream world today.

    How do you know? It’s a feeling, for me. Knowing that I am different from most of the people around me. Knowing that some on this site might feel the same as me. That’s how I know.




Susie Q{Daddy Ant} - We are different but I dislike the term outcast. It implies what we are and what we do is bad….its not. We are nothing more odd than geeks and nerds lol of which I am both!

Revel in who you are and love the life and its beauty!
2 months ago
lifeofdom​(dom male) - Agreed with what was said below: we are not outcasts..just different.. sometimes is a book, sometimes a film . Sometimes an experience...the world brings that information to us and helps us define ourselves . The certainty of it makes us different, not outside of everything, but within a more restrictive group..
2 months ago
LoveandDevotion​(sub female){Looking} - I remember hearing about historical slavery as a child and feeling some sort of attraction-- not sexual, I was too young, but excitement-- and then being filled with fear and revulsion for myself. It was confusing and I knew historical slavery and oppression of all kinds were evil, and yet the idea of being whipped or branded or owned myself...

Later as a young teenager on the Internet who was unpopular so didn't have a lot of local friends and was lonely, I would try to talk to Internet strangers. Sadly 99% of the time it would lead to sex talk. I really just wanted friends but I eventually just accepted I'd have to talk about sex to get the attention I craved. Around the same time a friend showed me a written porn site
2 months ago
LoveandDevotion​(sub female){Looking} - Accidentally pressed published too soon on that comment.
Anyway, I explored the site and reading the BDSM section excited me and I finally had some vocabulary. This lead me to finding Doms amongst the Internet strangers who wanted to talk about sex. Sadly, I was groomed and I didn't realize that until my mid twenties. But thankfully I never met anyone in person until I was 18...

I did turn away from the lifestyle when I was about 24, mainly because I am multifaceted and felt it was hard to meet men I connected to on a spiritual level in BDSM. I met my ex husband almost right away and we were together for 12 years, married for 10, when we divorced because he fell in love with someone else. It was not a healthy marriage and I was never, ever sexually satisfied in it.

Coming out of the divorce long story short I realized I wasn't going to deny this side of me anymore and sought a partner I could share all sides of myself with. After a very interesting year of searching I believe I've found him.
2 months ago
Maxorde​(dom male){Taken} - Thank you for your bold telling of your story!
2 months ago

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