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Travels and trials in my journey

A collection of memories and of future endeavors
1 month ago. July 14, 2024 at 3:42 PM

Good morning, fellow kinksters!

     This morning finds me in a very unusual mood. After playing with the band at a private party last night, I got home and immediately crashed out. I woke feeling rested and somewhat sorted out. 
  I’ve spent a fair portion of this morning roasting coffee and have really no other plans for the day. 
   It’s amazing to me the feeling of calm and peace after having played so hard last night and being so tired. A leisurely cup of coffee, me left to my own thoughts and a non rushed kind of day. I don’t know how many of you deal with anxiety like I do, but I can say this is the most at peace I have felt in a long time.

     I highly recommend that we all, at some point, take a break for just ourselves. Life is hectic enough right now….be good to yourself. And, as an added bonus, be good to everyone else. I think you’ll be amazed what a conscious decision to be nice to you will do.




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