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Developing a new mindset

1 month ago. March 30, 2024 at 5:10 AM

I rarely had nightmares until this year. I don’t know how other people define their nightmares, but mine is if I feel panic and realize that I’m in a dream and can’t wake up. The moments I feel actual fear are brief.

Before 2024, the only nightmare I remember having is from elementary school, where I went by my mom sleeping on the couch and she turned into some sort of monster. I ran around the corner and cried against the wall, hoping to wake up. Probably the only reason I remember the dream so well is because it stood out among my average, boring dreams.

They’ve been cropping up more often lately. I pretty much can expect one if I try to sleep in the afternoon. I think they form at the very end of my cycle, or in the instants before I start waking. My best guess is that they’re morphing from the anxiety dreams that have plagued me for a bunch of years now.

I don’t know if there’s another name for this. It’s for the dreams where you make the stupid decision you avoided in conscious life and have to deal with the consequences of it (and the benefit of the decision is nowhere to be found).

Lately, my dreams have been about me smoking weed even though I’ve been abstaining for my job hunt. In my conscious thoughts I have no problem avoiding it, but I do miss it sometimes. The hilarious part is that I never smoke enough to get high, but just enough so that I’d fail a test and have to keep waiting to apply. I recently lost out on a job opportunity because my glue-like body didn’t flush it out on time and I failed their test. I definitely fucked myself over in that- I needed over a month to test clean, I guess. Maybe it’s a fear of my sometimes wavering self-control?

The most prevalent dream-mistake, though, is hitting a car while I’m driving and panic and race away. Maybe some of it comes from never having been in an accident, but I used to be a professional driver! I know that I would never do something like in real life but the thought still plagues my dreams. The entire time I’m racing away, I’m freaking out and wondering why the fuck I left.

I’ll wake up stressed and with a faint sense of annoyance at myself, without knowing the words for the emotions or why I’m feeling them. A more meditative person would start their morning with a mental cleanse that would address these feelings but I ALWAYS. FORGET. To challenge my morning mood and put the day in a better frame.

Stupid dreams.

Jack in the box -
Give your subconscious a good spanking and tell it to knock it the fuck off! 😠
1 month ago
Juicy Licious - I used to have some weird as dreams to and always ones that messed with my mind something terrible until it was suggested that I not eat after a certain time. I tried it and it worked. Now I can't even remember the last time I had a nightmare and if I do, it's usually due to a trigger (added on to lack of sleep) Won't harm you to try. And perhaps see what things need to be cut out before bed.
1 month ago
Inkling - Hmm, definitely worth a shot. I do have a tendency of eating shortly before bed, but I find it helps with being hungry to the point of not wanting to eat in the morning. I can't remember how long ago I started the habit, but the nightmare element to the dreams has been only over the last few months....
1 month ago
Innocent Me​(sub female){Protected} - No advice, but I used to have terrible dreams when I was a child and when I was a younger adult. I always dreamt I was being chased, I was always running from someone I couldn't see...but I knew they were so close to catching up. I had such bad nightmares I slept with my light on throughout high school, I was terrified.

My older daughter has nightmares sometimes that her mom is not me, but someone else...a scary lady she doesn't like. My younger daughter said to us, "I can control my dreams. If a monster comes out in my dreams I just stomp my foot and he gets trapped in a box. Then I just throw him away." I was like...alrighty
1 month ago
Jack in the box -
Your youngest has it 👍
That ones gonna go far 🌹
1 month ago
Inkling - Your youngest sounds like she's going to rule the world one day!
Did your nightmares slowly fade over time? Or was it that they randomly stopped showing up?
1 month ago
Innocent Me​(sub female){Protected} - She's quite a girl, her therapist has said she's very mentally strong. They faded over time, as my stress levels went down and things in my life settled down. I hardly have them now. I also do something calming before bed. 😊
1 month ago
Jack in the box -
Look at the emotions, not the characters.
Your mind needs constant imput and you go to sleep it makes its own (dreams)
what the mind is trying to do is process the emotions of the day (my opinion).
And diet as Ms Juicy said, yes
1 month ago

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