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The Culture that has been here all the time

When I studied to acquire my Master's status I discovered the M/S relationship existed probably for all the history of humans. Religion and Western Culture distort this greatly. Using codes and euphemisms even denial masks it presents the fact many people thrive within this often unrecognized subculture. For example, my wife had all the earmarks of a pleasure slave and was generally devoted and submissive to me. In times of marriage friction, I often heard the words from a counselor, "She just wants you to love her" "Love her" I thought I was and did now I know without a doubt I need to be a master, not some preconceived idea we are to live as equals.
2 months ago. December 19, 2024 at 1:31 AM

I am taking a break from most other online activities. It takes away from the care I should be giving my wife. This is especially true when people play games with me. Letdowns, disappointments, and scams are all I experience these days.CUL

My wife's heritage is Welsh, Sicilian, and extreme northern Italy. Her grandma from near the Swiss border was bonder than blonde, and my wife got a good dose of her genes. As her caregiver, I discovered how much of her is covered with blonde hair and now wonder why she twizzed her blonde eyebrows out and put brown ones in their place. Her Celtic genes added to the look that manifested as she got older: darkening hair on her head only and blue eyes. Another thing she shared with my second wife's traits was a very feminine personality - I love that.

My preference for extremely blonde girls may be imprinted in my genes: my Polish grandma was very blonde, and thus, my mom was too. The very first girls I warmed up to were all blondes, starting around 12 years old. What is odd, perhaps, is what genes I inherited from my father: Dark Olive skin, deep hazel eyes, and chestnut hair. The Maygar look was in me, I was told. My mom and dad were artistic, which is probably why I have a brooding artistic personality. My Polish family was very musical. Grandpa had a band and played in bars like I did.

This is just a musing out loud, nothing more.


PS: My official birth certificate states James, but the Polish Parish version states Jacob.

This coming Friday may be vital for my wife, and we may have help with her care.

A little makeup makes her happy when I tell her she is beautiful.

In a rare lucid moment, she says I love you in an aphasia-affected voice: a hug and a kiss. Treasured moments.

If I ask her if we are married, she says, "No."


Mmmmm. Let me see: Which applies to you? You make love. Love is made to you. You and your partner make love to each other.

Do you believe there is a distinction? If so, how do you think that happens? Explain how it pays out in your experience.

Sex can be nothing more than an act to procreate. Whether intentional or the result of an undisciplined act, the result is the same: more people worldwide. 

 ". . . while the emotion itself might be universal, the concept of romantic love is not entirely so; meaning, people across cultures may experience love, but how they express and perceive romantic love can differ." 

It is not my purpose to write about the vast complexity of the subject; it is only to tickle your imagination so you will give it some thought about it.

My first wife wanted an Ocelot when we went to Trefflich's pet store he didn't have one so he handed me a lion cub. Iwas way to much for me to buy so he said I'll flip for it double or nothing.

I apologize that my blog has gotten boring, maybe because all days are the same for me aside from changes in the weather.

Significant developments in the history of the world that break was "This Changes Everything" within reason applying to everyday life.

AI Overview
Some significant historical events that changed the world include: the invention of the printing press, the American Revolution, the Industrial Revolution, World War II, the Great Depression, the fall of the Berlin Wall, the Apollo 11 moon landing, and the COVID-19 pandemic, all of which significantly impacted society, politics, and technology on a global scale.

Socio-political organization, world travel, mass religions, and, in my opinion, the most significant?: "the personal information age."

Take everything before the internet and put it in the hands of people: Cellphone/Camera/Communication with its potential for nefarious uses, and life on planet Earth will not be the same as you probably realize.

Individuals' personal lives are exposed, government secrets are at risk, proprietary secrets are opened up, and Military capabilities and actions are no longer kept from ordinary people. There are no secrets anymore.


Hey guys, between antidepressants causing ED and Cialis countering it, you can learn to regulate the situation with careful thought and information on how the drugs work. The doctors can help you find the sweet spot, and you may figure out how to use both - find a balance.

What % of the eighteen-year-olds do you think are still virgins? (Your opinion I have no statistics)

 . .  .  for Christmas, I suspect, is this item in the picture:

Note it isn't taxed in Pennsylvania.

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