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Organized Chaos

Random thoughts from the depths of my abyss
2 months ago. June 9, 2024 at 4:17 PM

She's tired....

She's tired of the psychological mind games and people pretending to be someone their not.


She's tired of the shallow conversations with people that only care about themselves.


She's tired of attention from men with hidden agendas.


She's tired of being treated like an option when she should have been treated like a priority from the first conversation.


She's tired of spending countless nights questioning her own self worth.


She's tired of people not respecting her boundaries and forcing her to do things she's not ready to do.


She's at a point in her life where she wants to be loved correctly or be left alone completely.


~ Cody Bret

PlutoOrange - and the world kept spinning
2 months ago
vv V vv​(sadist male) - Please don’t become a crazy cat lady
2 months ago
A Minx - Apt!
❤️ Bolero reference - sadly, very apt too!
2 months ago
PlutoOrange - mood on music had a pinch of humour today ♥️🤦
2 months ago
PlutoOrange - And when its different it is natural as air so we dont notice. A solution? I have one: i gaslight myself to death, till i donno anymore people who i love, are they saints or devils. So theres always enough of spice, and the stability it surrounds surprises me every day. Bcs despite what my mind lies to me, my body goes where the god whispers
2 months ago
A Minx - woah, PlutoOrange, you need to trademark some of the above ⬆️ absolutely ❤️ your last line and ima gonna steal it! 😇
2 months ago
PlutoOrange - ❤️
2 months ago
ThomasVa - Great blog, all true. What’s the alternative? I mean besides staying at home and taking in 14 stray cats.
2 months ago
PlutoOrange - dogs, ThomasVa, 14 dogs
2 months ago
M'K{SELF} - My woofers would eat them.
2 months ago
heykitten​(sub female) - Sounds like you and I have met a lot of the same people. Or maybe there’s just an infinite number of them out there.
2 months ago

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