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The Belly

The dom with the blog about stuff concerning intellectual capacity, emotional intelligence and general compassion for other human beings.
3 years ago. November 24, 2020 at 7:28 PM

This is a dom reflection and outreach post. 

Browsing through blogs and forums, there is no shortage of life “lessons” and bad childhood stories to share when these topics arise. However, rarely (if ever), do I see that same amount of energy used to portray learning experiences in a positive way.
Perhaps people just haven’t been asking or been asked. 

I got shot, crushed, stabbed, ran over, bit, and chased till exhaustion during my kiddo days. 

Years later, here I am a year back from my 7th deployment, pending disability, unable to work, and unable to get medical care. I remember all the cold and depressing hospitals I’ve been into. pain meds were a godsend, but the after-effects sucked. 
Looking into it, sometimes it’s better to have a loving grandma neighbor.

Getting stitches in a warm kitchen on towels and pillows is WAY better than a hospital, even without pain meds. The food is better too. But, when younger, I didn’t know what/how to appreciate what this environment signified. I remember kicking, screaming, and cursing at her. But I always went back. There have even been some hospitals that I scoffed in because Abuela could have done much better. 

Over the years: She reset my shoulder when I crashed my bike. stitched my forehead and leg. Pulled out teeth. took thorns out my neck. salved my burns (we set fire to dead trees). Push packed my hands and feet when they were cracked and split. 

I share the above story to say the following:

Pain and labor are the main two factors of human development. Having to toil through tasks and ordeals with a set direction and focus helped form me as an individual. I have noticed that I’m able to sense people whose past was devoid of these experiences. 

Not saying everyone should and must go through trauma to grow into who they want and/or are destined to be. I’m just observing; and these observations are helping me make sense of how bizarre, twisted, and convoluted many people seem to be nowadays. 

If you’re a dom who has read my previous blogs and you’ve been experiencing similar frustrations with brats, entitled women, abusive doms who only know how to chase twisted desires, and sugar babies, do read on.  

Within the boundaries of my life experiences, here are some key things I’ve learned. Hopefully, this helps you in your search. Going back to labor and pain, if you’re a leader, you need more of both in your life and will have to take on the burden of introducing and (in a positive way) reinforcing these into someone else’s life in order to produce the best result. 

1. Self-development as a leader is nigh impossible solo. As a leader, I have always been held to standards of exceptional achievements and socioeconomic efficiency, NOT personal development, social adaptability, and emotional intelligence. I learned the latter from reflecting on the few times I've come across and/or practiced it. 

As a matter of fact, the first time I was introduced to the concept of emotional intelligence, it was in an Army training program. Fair warning, those programs are designed to build rapport and extract information from a subject. And they advise you to keep an emotional distance and observational standpoint from the entire process and another party. It has taken years for me to sift through the internal damage this has taken on me and my ability to genuinely connect with others. 

Solution: Focus on healthy habits and your mental health. If you’re looking to assume a leadership role. See a professional psychiatrist first. Setting up and training mental defenses is essential. This helped me in professional, personal, and romantic endeavors. Decompress and vent stress routinely, not reactively. And immediately cut off people you recognize as a danger to your ability to grow and develop. Try to compromise and communicate but limits should be hard, defined, and final. 

2. You will have noticed by now how many submissive minded individuals will pack their trauma and need for past rearing and positive enforcement into their present interactions with you. It is a daunting task mathematically, to think that a sub/co-worker/trainee is asking you to provide the professional and personal guidance they may have been missing their ENTIRE life. By default, many of your lessons will be diluted or interpreted differently.

It’s easy to say just screen more carefully, I would like to genuinely engage and elaborate on what has worked for me in that area. 


Off the top, understand that no matter the age, gender, ethnicity, or profession, it is impossible to gauge someone’s internal development and character from just a few exchanges. Choose whether you want to go on a personal development journey before or with someone you meet. 

Hopefully, you set that psychiatrist appointment. The more you say you don’t need one. The worse it’s gonna be. 

If you chose to go with the WITH option (a wordplay on point). Brutally and quickly assess and address your own internal vulnerabilities and weaknesses. Under what circumstances do you lie, cheat, or want to hurt others. How you best learn and retain information. Name three of the biggest positive experiences in your lifetime. Now name three reasons for each that those experiences would not have the same effect on your potential submissive or trainee. 

There are definitive differences between weakness and vulnerability. Strength and resilience. A flaw versus a defect. And having knowledge versus understanding information. 

After the formalities. Forewarn and then engage.  Short, deep, and brutal conversations. Childhood trauma, learning styles, family history, genetic disorders, medications/allergies, and so on. 

3. Define, adapt, and improve your standards and boundaries. A perfect bad example of this is when you have a meal plan, but get hungry to the point self-discipline collapses and you eat what you have to. Reverse engineer that. If you come up with viable solutions that can be written down and implements, know that this helped me help others deal with addictions to video gaming, porn, casual dating, or gambling. 

Once the fence is set up, you can’t cave bruh. I know...hoes, distractions, junk food, and digital cocaine have trained you differently. 

4. Absolve the fever: if you’re a monk or troll, we get it. You can shut the fuck up. This is for those like myself. 

It’s common knowledge that men lose logical reasoning when aroused. In a commercial consumer society, keeping men aroused in order to control us in our most susceptible state, is the goal.

From what I’ve seen in modern America. The aforementioned model exists in everything from cologne to cars, the idea of having or doing something in order to satisfy our needs for physical and emotional intimacy. 

Current thoughts on a monogamous relationship: Will only teach me how to engage, argue, and have sex with a single person. Thereby leaving a single point of failure for my experiences and skills in romance. The argument of long term positive habits aside, I believe monogamy fails in the long run because it's based mostly on external interests. Socioeconomic status, what your family/friends think, what religion says based on a book written by people you never met, who are still to this day arguing what the hearsay of dead people meant. In addition, it is rarely made personally adaptable. It's a rigid foundation of who/what goes where. A system to handle relationships, under the pretext of free will, under the pretense of eternal damnation. Referenced in a legal contract with the state to dictate who gets what in event of death or break up. That's too much for me to process as a natural choice in mate selection.  

Please do read on for the approach that worked for me. Go to a target-rich environment for you. South America and East Asia for American men in general. Germany and Ukraine for black and Hispanic men. Thailand is for white guys. But it’s twisted now. Fuck until you get that control collar out of your subconscious. 
One of the main advantages that women have had over me in relationships is the development and benefits that come from being consistently pursued and offered material things in exchange for the company.

Until you know you know how that feels, it will be difficult if not impossible to get along with women in any capacity. It’s been a base foundation of logic for many female life experiences. Knowing this has been essential in my journey as a dom. 

5. Should have mentioned this earlier. Finances. Set a budget. Never go over it. Period. 

WHEN you do, choose rent and food over utilities. It’s illegal for most companies to cut off utilities during winter. Pay cell phone over internet. Don’t sell your car. Downsize monthly. Donating to charity is a joke. Get your money back if you can. 

Be honest, if you’re barely supporting yourself as an individual. You’re not ready to support and/or provide for someone else. Even if you're sharing bills with a sub, leadership is defined by the scope of influence. Keep your house clean and finances in order before involving others

6. Hygiene. Once you keep a refinement of recovery and neatness, it will come glaringly clear how many people you hang with....who don’t. Inform them then cut off those who can’t keep up. We all need to progress. 

to the new doms: shower daily, moisturize, manscape, clean your toilets and kitchen, sweep out under that bed and organize all that paperwork sitting around the house. whatever is messed up in the dark is usually what we need to work on. 

Inflation and life crises will come. Doubled by the number of people you bring in. to my fellow poly doms, it’s like fire prevention. Don’t let that spark burn your house down. 

7. Understand that I’m high right now. There are no official references to what I said above and we don’t know each other. But if you wanna share and learn together. Let me know. Dinner with the old lady may interrupt though 


OraclePollon​(sub female){NotYours} - I was right along with you.. until you said monogamy is doomed to fail. You speak of personal growth and control, but isn't monogamy the ultimate accomplishment of someone constantly bombarded with "media to keep you in your most susceptible state"? Does that mean you think polygamy is the optimal human engagement? Or non-commitment. To me, what you are talking about is non-commitment, because even polygamists still commit to their partner(s) they don't just rotating door the old ones for the new ones, they just believe that not everything "bucket" can be filled by just one partner - they seek to find their other(s) not just consider commitment (monogamy) to that person(s) destined to fail.

Just an interesting thought that came out of the blue at me while reading your post, and only my opinion.
3 years ago
TalentedOptimist​(dom male){open} - You’re asking questions based on a pretense, but I’ll give it a go.

1. Monogamy is not an accomplishment. It’s a type of relationship. Engineered and promoted across government, religious and social platforms. Which benefit from end-state-monogamy marriage types of men buying and investing in everything from diamonds to real estate while on a contract.

2. Poly has been the optimal engagement in my experience.

3. The definitions of poly vs monogamy vs non commitment are already known. Anyone can read, define them; and then communicate what kind of relationship they want. Working so far for me.

4. I don’t just think monogamy and modern marriage are destined to fail. Statistics show it has been failing. And anyone who signs a marriage contract, signed a document that states what happens should the marriage fail.

Dating sites are businesses. Businesses need repeat customers to survive. So it’s not in a dating business best interests to ensure everyone finds their soul mate and then stops using it. I did some work for tinder in 2015. The numbers are horrifying.

5. When you defined what you think of a concept, then combine it with personal opinion of my post, then elaborate on how people should by definition pursue relationships. I can only give a limited debate back on all three.

If people are transparent with their partners and mutual trust/respect is present, then the relationship will make it. Whoever is rotating old for new....that’s their business. And since everyone has been rotated once or twice in their life, you know you grew from that and that that person just wasn’t for you.

That process has worked for me.
3 years ago
OraclePollon​(sub female){NotYours} - So in your opinion, the data doesn't support monogamy, and since there isn't any data for polygamy, and they don't (again your statement) need houses and diamond rings and the likes, plus it has worked well for you, it is the optimal relationship style. This is a lot of missing data and biased. If the only reason you don't like something is because the data says it doesn't work, but are ready to embrace something with no data (or far less) doesn't make it a better option. Still seems like a non-comital relationship you are looking for, because there are far less differences in Poly/Mono than what you are defending with poly comparatively. Happy it is working for you regardless.
3 years ago
TalentedOptimist​(dom male){open} - Your random thought, about my personal blog, has evolved into a set of questions and conversation that are killing my vibe and appetite.

This is what divorce feels like. To feel hopelessly misunderstood and argue at length with no clear positive goal in sight. A feeling that, for me, has only existed in monogamous relationships. Yes I’m biased against monogamy from research, experience and opinion.
I disagree with non committal, on the grounds that i have commitments in my relationships. As well as agreed upon standards for meeting potential partners. So stand down on that front.

Whatever your goal is in sharing your thoughts with me. It is not making me feel respected, or like we are having an actual conversation about reflection and outreach. This feels more like anything personally shared would be lorded over, categorized, disenfranchised, or personally attacked.

Not my cup of tea champ. Just saying. In my opinion you’re giving me a shit show vibe from a post that i put up from a positive place.
3 years ago
OraclePollon​(sub female){NotYours} - It was only meant to develop into conversation, get perspective, insight, your opinion. No disrespect intended, I will not comment further. The degrading "champ"s are not necessary, but this is your space. I will delete anything you request me to.
3 years ago
TalentedOptimist​(dom male){open} - To Oracle.

Thank you for letting me know that.

Assuming you are more educated and knowledgable than me and you were trying to open up to and teach me something valuable about human relationships, that's not the vibe I was feeling.

The "champ" comment was my temper. It was meant to warn of me becoming defensive and not being open to change or learning in this manner of speaking. Not disrespect or degrade you personally. Apologies.

You do not have to delete anything. I'll go back to the monogamy failing comment which started this.

My marriage and divorce left my homeless and broke right before I had to deploy. In my world, modern marriage and divorce have killed more people than enemies. My professional thoughts on monogamy changed when I found out prenuptial agreements can be made invalid. My personal thoughts changed after i had to clean up another body.... the 26th suicide from divorce. My spiritual thoughts on monogamy and traditional Christian values changed when I read back on American slavery, the crusades, and the publicly known corruption within modern churches.
Then statistics on divorce rates going up and marriage rates going down. I'm not trying to paint a scene from bersek, but I have only known the dark side of monogamy. And upon sharing that, through my personal stories of how to save time, improve on self, and love those around without disrespecting their was met with....well this.

If my experience and opinions are wrong in the grand scheme of things, or my approach would not work for your mindset/lifestyle, then so be it. I appreciate you reaching out.
3 years ago
TalentedOptimist​(dom male){open} - Replying to Feisty Minx: in the spirit of understanding. I don't want to have this kind of conversation but you have made it personal.

1. "You cannot post something that's biased without
rules (regulations=no comments or no bickery or no disagreement with you)
and still expect not to get hounded especially by Alpha women who do not like to share."

Answer: Anyone is allowed to post their personal stories and thoughts free from fear of being bullied, harassed, or hounded.
Personally, I should be allowed to post a personal thought and journey without being called sexist. Cage site members can also delete, block, and ignore accordingly. You have that power as well. Should you come across any conversation you're afraid of.

2. I appreciate you sharing that you think my positive way of thinking is biased. If you are not receptive to it. Then be just that. Non-receptive.

3. "If you're not use to having a conversation with an equal amount of knowledge and questions coming from someone else or should I say coming from a female, then you're on the wrong site. You feeling disrespected is because you don't want to argue or debate or hear a woman who has more knowledge that you thought she did. Just because we're submissives doesn't mean we're stupid. If you don't like questions about things that you post the maybe that's something you need to take a look at."

Answer: There is little to no way to bridge the divide that you have made between the conversation I'm trying to have and the person that this comment is trying to portray me to be. I do not fear an intelligent female, a sub, or someone with more knowledge than me. I have not once called any submissive stupid, in this post or in life. And I will not insult or disrespect you in any way that I am feeling now. That is because I'm here to have a positive conversation, not be hounded. That is my choice for this conversation's heading, that you are choosing to disrespect and nitpick; not a portrayal of my thoughts on female and/or submissive intelligence.

I have sat in interrogation rooms with female terrorists who have master's degrees, speak 6 languages, and could guide me through religious/political conflicts throughout human history. Events, and their deciding factors, that have pushed them to traffic children, overthrow governments, and burn buildings. Some I saw as necessary evils, some I empathized with, most I was disgusted by how twisted IN their commitment that they were. There are more deadly and intelligent women in the world than most people could even dream of. I am fully aware of how much I do not know, and in my quest for looking to share and learn, your approach is not working for me. Should you try to press on forcefully when the other party respectfully asks you to mind your manners and/or stop. That approach has a lot in common with assault and ignorance. Not calling you that, just saying, people who automatically assume that since I don't agree, or do not wish to engage them in a certain way, it must mean I'm sexist and afraid.

Female intelligence. That was mad disrespectful. My mother was one of the most intelligent women I know. She served in the Marines, spoke 3 languages, started her own businesses and hand chose my career in Aviation when I wanted to just do combat. I respect intelligence and strength (in all forms) as much as I respect the skill and finesse needed to use them to attain the most positive result. I do not appreciate instigative behavior, personal attacks on my character, or indirect mentions of me being sexist, racist, or biased in any way other than how I already clearly stated. I am biased against monogamy, modern marriage contracts, and the apparent fallout from the two combined. The people, and how they treat me, are an entirely different matter. In addition to my personal experience of being divorced, dumped while deployed, and sending back friends' body's with their "wives" asking how much insurance money they will get before the body even touches the ground.....I think my mindset is about as positive as it could be.

I respect you for speaking up on your opinion. I respect that you spoke in defense of those wronged by men who fear female intelligence. I do not respect or appreciate you trying to give that title to me.

All in all, this post was written from a positive space, based on my life experiences, while looking at the love/support I have in my life now, and the desire to help other doms reach out and reflect. This has not been that.

3 years ago

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