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Under The Whip

A place where a humble blind service submissive can calm her mind and clear out the corners with her thoughts, opinions, stories, experiences, and tribulations.
4 hours ago. October 17, 2024 at 10:38 PM

You know you would think that is being the year 2024 there would still be hope for humanity. That there are signs of intelligent life out there and yet all I see are reasons and excuses for the need to have warning labels. Sometimes I think and feel that the Spartans knew how to continue their culture correctly.

Still I look to the people in our community with the utmost respect because here I find the most open minded and forward thinkers. So it still amazes me when I come across people who write things in community groups that still think in such an archaic backwards and selfish way:

I can't give my submissive girl oral, because that would be an act of submission on my part.

I won't allow my subs to cum, because they are not worth it.

Why would I give pleasure to something that's beneath me?

My sub should not feel any pleasure because as the Dominant, I am the only one who is supposed to feel that.

I mean seriously? First off this screams massive insecurities. Secondly just how selfish you are. Clearly a taker and never wanting to give in a relationship. Thirdly if you think a submissive is not a human being worthy of respect then youre just an abuser in my eyes.

You need to remember that a submissive is a role they step into. A decision THEY decide to make in order to please and serve. It does NOT make them less than you. It does not make them unworthy of love, affection and respect.

I may choose to kneel, to serve and please but I am still your equal no matter what. Treating me any way outside of the agreement of our dynamic will never be permitted or tolerated.

I also want to add if you feel that pleasuring your submissive is an act of submission then who really is in control of that dynamic and relationship? What about forcing them to have an orgasm? Wouldnt that be your choice? What about making them be silent and endure you going down on them for as long as it pleases you no matter how sensitive and overwhelming it can be?

Isnt part of being a Dominant to guide, protect, help your submissive grow? What if I told you that for a lot of people an orgasm is a great way to be grounded. A great stress reliever? What if I told you that having orgasms at the hand of your Dominant makes the submission deepen?

Perhaps some more self work is needed on the part of the Dominant that says these things and believes these things? Some introspection.

Now if you have agreed to that sort of Dynamic more power to you. If that is what you need and desire then there is no judgment. I have simply in my past been with men like this. They arent my cup of tea.

For me its a two way street. I am eager and happy to serve and please your needs, desires and wants. However I as a person, a woman have needs as well and if you arent willing to reciprocate in the dynamic and relationship for this tango dance to work.

Well Sir...There is the door!!!

1 day ago. October 16, 2024 at 8:14 PM

It has been a rough year. I had some major family issues to deal with and in turn my Dominants are right by my side in the thick of it with me. That is how I know they love me so damn much.

To sum it up my parents needed help so they are now living with us. Dementia issues and health issues etc. Needless to say we have to financially and physically take care of everything.

So this has sort of pushed a wide bridge in between us, in regards to us being able to just openly live our lives the way we had previously been doing. You know things like, a collar on at all times, me naked in the house and just having sed whenever and wherever we desired.

We cannot just do that when others are up and about. Plus the added stress is tiring everyone out.

That being said before family moved in I used to sometimes sleep under one of my Dominants desks throughout the day while he did work, or I would be able to lay down with my head in their lap on the couch as they watched television, or eat at their feet on the floor, etc.

It has made me very depressed. These are things I enjoy and need.

So last night I had enough. I was feeling so subby. My need was high and as much as I would have loved hours and hours of orgasms and writhing beneath them. I was humble and opted to serve.

Everyone was asleep and it was late but I grabbed a blanket and a nice pillow and I begged my Master Calvin if I could kneel before him on the floor while we just vegged out watching Tiktoks. He permitted it. So as I am on my knees my arms wrapped around one of his legs I began to massage him. His feet, ankles, calves thighs.

Fuck I missed doing this so much. I am still on a high from it. Intoxicating.

We talked a little and eventually the phones were shut off. There was just us and I was eager. I peered up at him, and with what little I could see I stared with a fiery yearning I havent felt in a long time since we got put into this mess eight months ago.

"My Master, may I please serve your pleasures?" I begged him.

It was needed and after he allowed I began to worship him properly. Kisses all over his body. My fingers touching, caressing everywhere. Each inch, my nails digging in lightly, and just when I was eager enough his cock slipped right into my mouth.

It felt like an eternity. I miss him choking me, pushing my head down further holding me there and allowing me to breathe when he chooses. I love that primal guttural sound in the back of his throat that rumbles up through his chest.

I loved the way he gripped my hair and pulled my back and said be a good girl and get to the bedroom. How he laid down and allowed me to return to my longing of pleasuring him with my mouth. The taste of his sweetness on my tongue. How it makes me tremble with such need.

That sensation of him throbbing in the back of my throat as he erupts rope after rope of delicious bliss. Nothing in this world is more sweet than this very moment.

What makes it even better is the moment in a breathy word he speaks, "Nestle!"

My one command to slide up his body, and rest my head on his chest, my arm and leg draped over him so tenderly. The way he caresses his hand through my hair, kisses my forehead. How loving all of it is in all of its dirty kinky bliss.

No, I did not need the pain. I did not need to cry or be grounded. I did not need intense multiple orgasms. No I only needed to be who i naturally am. I only needed to do something for him. I needed and craved to serve. I needed to make sure he slept hard and was relaxed enough to do so.

How satisfied I was after. How hard I fell into that sensation. How I only needed to please him. To love him. Oh how I have missed the desire and chances to feel this way.

2 days ago. October 16, 2024 at 12:31 AM

I dont even know what to truly say here. I dont want to make this first entry too long as it is just a tiny introduction to everyone.

My name is Ava. I am ninety five percent blind. Sadly this website does not offer TTS so I will have many typos for everyone to endure.

I am an artist. I paint on canvas, and also create digital art, which I might share on here from time to time.

I used to be a dancer, until I was injured.

I live with and serve two very amazing Dominants. Trust me pleasing one Dominant can be difficult, pleasing a trial but I feel I do my best in my abilities while I still grow under their guidance.

I stream on twitch, and I enjoy gaming in our spare time. I do game with my Dominants, and its nice to know I can have submissive tasks inside of a video game. Which is not easy to do when you can barely see.

I love to laugh and be goofy. I try to find humor and beauty in all situations even though I am a pessimist.

I dont like to constantly write about butterflies and sunshine. I find to many people only want to paint those stories and make their lives seem like fairytales. So while I write here, I will do my best to do so with complete honesty, and in real color. No beer goggles here.

Life is messy. Hell I am messy. Relationships are messy. So be prepared to keep with me on this journey and dive deep into my very messy mind.

It definitely needs to be decluttered.