You are the Rainbow Eucalyptus on a sun toned hill,
Oh, the bewilderment of such pious colors,
I do live there, on days of darkened sky,
On days of a gloom who not perish,
I see thee as soft sunshine through soft rain,
Living as a reminder of the tenderness of this world,
As January summer, To as is winter December,
You are not mere gemstone, but living embodiment of betterment,
To say such a way as in to fail not in healing thine soul,
To mend broken places long forgotten,
And become a hero as was intended,
For villainous thoughts are bred from a hero's yield,
Whom refuses to tend thineself in that moment,
Who surrenders to hate instead of staying other's binding,
I gave into hate,
And you my love are such reminder,
That love is not woven in pretty words to sweet surrender,
But an unyielding indomitable spirit saying to the dragon....