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Dumpless Flights.

I’ll skip the corny descriptions of “just my thoughts” or “songs of my heart” whatever the fuck that means. I’m not gentle, but I can be kind. I’m not sweet, but I am loyal.
But I know one thing, the universe sure is whooping my ass.
3 days ago. December 18, 2024 at 7:36 AM

I have been thinking again, 

I know, scary beans. Bunny is generating thoughts; someone needs to stop her. 

But, these ones are teaching me lessons. 


I first started this blog because I was angry, and I was hurting, I was alone, afraid, yada yada yada…. 


However, I have always  loved writing. I am a very emotional and expressive person. One of the reasons why I love BDSM so much is because of these traits. 

I’m not patient, I take what I want when I want it, If I don’t like how something is done I say it, if I feel like I have been wronged I yell it out- how ever, I also struggle to see my own actions and because of this, I really struggle with guilt. 


This year, I was diagnosed autism and a brain malformation disorder. It has taken a lot of internal and external processing and I can certainly say, that still in this moment I feel weak.

I continuously feel these big and weird feelings day to day and a lot of times it is hard to process leading to grumpy bunny syndrome once again. 


Recently, I can say it has led to the loss of a relationship I thought I was going to have forever and one that was just blooming. 

The first I have been blocking out but the second, very hard to process. I wouldn’t say I am angry, in fact now that I have spoken, I don’t think I was in the beginning either. I think I was scared and hurt, but I digress…. 


Anyways, I’ve talked about it in therapy. I struggle with understanding empathy and emotions, actions, reactions, attachments… you know, the usual. 


It’s just, an adjustment I guess. 

But, I’m off to take a soak, my back is killing me :(




Max Heathen​(other male) - I'll offer some words of advise and you can do as you wish with them.
My AngelBunny has in times past spoken of her own issues and how she has times when she "Feels Weak", thus making her want to lash out or Thump. As I listened to her go further into detail, I waited till she was through and simply informed her.... Bunny... It's your Weakness that attracts me. While there is much more to what attracts me to a person, Weakness is one of those things that I like in a partner. As a boy I was raised to be a protector, sculpted to defend, then my Sadist came out as Beast awaken and I a had to adapt but... Few things make me feel like I have a value the way protecting one who is willing to admit they are having a moment of weakness and just need me to shield them for a bit. For my AngelBunny, this mean she can't take phone calls, deal with outside issues and needs me to just be silent because my mouth can do just as much harm in those moments as any blade or bullet She's Hypersensitive to everything when she's feeling Weak. in my opinion your Weakness, is part of your strength. The fact that you can say it, is beautiful.
Add to this that I am one who lacks empathy or sympathy, and thus I struggle with compassion. I beat myself up for years trying to "be normal", studying people, their reactions, facial expressions, verbiage used in particular situations. Over time I came to understand, that emotions are based on the person feeling them, not so much the person giving them out so I learned how to fake it. I'm still not the best at it, but most people can't tell that I am faking these emotions and are able to release their real emotions (like at a funeral). Don't beat yourself up. Learn to adapt and some of these thing will become reflex response to the point of you, yourself not being able to tell if you are "Feeling, and thus responding" or if you are "Responding to their feeling by reflex" Both ways are good. Now hop up on the table, *Cracks knuckles* Let's give them overworked muscles a pampering. Did I mention I've moonlighted as a masseur before?
3 days ago
BabyBunn​(sub female) - Thank you <3
3 days ago
intenseoldman​(dom male) - Bunny, you're a good soul worthy of every good thing in life. The search is for yourself first, to love you just as you are. It's good you're identifying emotions. We are all emtional beings who just happen to think once in a while. I got that from a series I am watching and it's so true. I wish you well and hope you're having some fun zoomies soon :)
3 days ago
Cello Trance{for You}Verified Account - Bunny, you're my bud even if you are a violin player :-) I am forever grateful that I have gotten to know you. You're a wonderful person. Put that in your pipe and smoke it
3 days ago

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