I have been thinking again,
I know, scary beans. Bunny is generating thoughts; someone needs to stop her.
But, these ones are teaching me lessons.
I first started this blog because I was angry, and I was hurting, I was alone, afraid, yada yada yada….
However, I have always loved writing. I am a very emotional and expressive person. One of the reasons why I love BDSM so much is because of these traits.
I’m not patient, I take what I want when I want it, If I don’t like how something is done I say it, if I feel like I have been wronged I yell it out- how ever, I also struggle to see my own actions and because of this, I really struggle with guilt.
This year, I was diagnosed autism and a brain malformation disorder. It has taken a lot of internal and external processing and I can certainly say, that still in this moment I feel weak.
I continuously feel these big and weird feelings day to day and a lot of times it is hard to process leading to grumpy bunny syndrome once again.
Recently, I can say it has led to the loss of a relationship I thought I was going to have forever and one that was just blooming.
The first I have been blocking out but the second, very hard to process. I wouldn’t say I am angry, in fact now that I have spoken, I don’t think I was in the beginning either. I think I was scared and hurt, but I digress….
Anyways, I’ve talked about it in therapy. I struggle with understanding empathy and emotions, actions, reactions, attachments… you know, the usual.
It’s just, an adjustment I guess.
But, I’m off to take a soak, my back is killing me :(