Hi all,
This will be a deviation from the norm of this Blog. I write tonight in an attempt to keep my friends & community in the loop, and to let them know I'm still here. I have been mostly absent from The Cage and I wanted to say hi. 👋🐼
Of late, I've been in reflection on my romantic relations. Always a dangerous place to be, especially following a 39th Birthday, and a rekindled (friendly, but not excluding implied benefits) conversation with an Ex-Wife. This is in addition to the ridiculous roller coaster ride of semi-poly perpetual plural partner heart palpatations! 🙃👉💔
However, it's where I am, and I'm owning it as much as Pandaly possible.
I owe a lot to the journey I have chosen here on The Cage. I have met some amazing people, especially women, but also friends of all gender/non-gender identities. However, I am considering a break from romance, and from actively pursuing any romantic or kink involvement. For me, that means I need to pull away from all potential sources of partners or lovers or play things...
Therefore, I'll still be around for the next 10 days (my subscription lapses then), but may pull away soon after. I'm still here, and I'm still talking to a few Subs, potentially open to new friends. But, I just want everyone that cares about me to know that if I pull away, it's not because of anyone here, or the community, or any arguments, or anything besides a decision to take a step back and heal. If I pull away, it's only to work on myself, to reflect on my true self and desires. To do what I must to become the love I crave. To do what is necessary internally and externally to pair with my ideal eventual partner....or who knows, at this point! Could be partners, in the right situation.
In any case, once more before I go: I'm still here.
To all my friends, please reach out and say hi! I will be doing so as well, but I have been processing big nasty stuff, and would love your support. Thanks to each and every one of you! I hope all of you are having an amazing journey of self discovery and are fully enjoying all kinds of awesome kink! Don't be like Captain Panda Buzzkill! Let your Love 💖 Light shine!
Your Friend,
Panda 🖖🐼