Well since I started my new dit and exercise routine I found that holy damn I need to get better at timing things. These next two weeks will be easier as there will be someone home to watch the dogs... kind of... cause there's no freaking way I could take them on walks it's in the -30s all week with next week not looking much better... so I have to go way out of my comfort zone and go to a gym... definitely NOT my cup of tea...
Also this whole keto thing.... eating lots of faty things (good or not).... I've never had so many fatty filled meals. And I'm terrible with eating at regular intervals so having a meal plan that involves breakfast, lunch, dinner and 2 snacks is crazy! I eat like twice a day... even with the meals being small on this plan I still find I'm not making them all...
I can see how healthy people never have time and need so much energy lol. This is crazy! But because I'm a stubborn redhead I'll be sticking this out for as long as I can...
I hope everyone is doing good and having fun and learning new things!