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live everyday to your fullest
4 years ago. November 13, 2020 at 12:45 PM

I asked my heart of she remembered you 

She does

But not in the way you might think 

She remembers but she does not crave 

When your name passes by

She doesn't cling to it like  flies 

She accepts your absence 

But no longer prays for your return 


Unknown artist 

4 years ago. November 13, 2020 at 12:39 PM

 I woke up this morning and just like that you were off my mind I feel relieved that you don't cross my mind . I no longer cry when someone says your name when you left me all I did was blame myself and asked myself why?. What did I do ? But then I realized that it wasn't just me it was also you I would never destroy a person the way you did me . I hope you find love I really do but don't be mad if you pass my way and I don't say anything 

Yes my walls are high but I have my reasons what your not understanding is when you left me you broke and a side of me that will take alot of time to fix.

just remember know your worth because no matter how hard you love someone they are not worth your happiness and if they don't want to change to better themselves for not only you but their self don't stay learn to walk away 

4 years ago. September 4, 2020 at 3:13 PM

This post is for the people who are having a tough time if your heart broken or just flat out having a bad day just remember someone out there loves you. I know it can be very hard to smile though the pain and pick your self back up but please remember everything happens for a reason . Please do not be afraid to reach out for help my in box is open to anyone who just needs a friend that will listen or someone to vent to we can even cry together if it helps.