4 years ago. November 17, 2020 at 7:47 PM
I've been thinking about chemistry a lot lately and how important it is to a healthy relationship. I was in a long term vanilla relationship, this person was and will always be my very best friend. I didn't break up with him because i hated him, I ended things because I just didn't feel the things he wanted me to feel for him... no matter how hard I tried. It can't be forced, it either is there or it isn't. It will not develop over time, you can't pretend that it's there. I had hoped that the deep endearing affection was enough to sustain our relationship, but it just wasn't. I craved that maddening feeling of desire for another person, to lose myself in them and it just wasn't there. I ended things and it wasn't pretty but thankfully this person still cares for me (and I him) and I hope that we will forever be in each other's lives.
Chemistry is not to be confused with what we call sub or Dom Frenzy. They can both be present but they are very separate things. The frenzy, which at times seems all consuming, will hopefully wan over time as you settle into a relationship. It's usually pretty obvious when someone is going through this period of obsession, although it seems to upset those that don't want to see it if it's pointed out. I get it, BDSM is a rush, it's hedonistic and you want more! Unfortunately, the fire in your pants often overtakes your good common sense and you don't see warning signs or red flags. Sadly, I feel like more people get broken because they mistook frenzy for chemistry. All the hot or sexy things experienced in those weeks of getting to know someone shadow the bullcrap! Far too often you get to the point where communication starts to fall off and one is left wondering what happened to the "incredible" person they spent 15 hours a day texting or having lengthy phone calls. I've seen so many people, on both sides of the slash, left broken by this exact situation. The one thing you need to take from this.... It's NOT you! We get so wrapped up in the hedonism that we forget that they are real people, with real problems. Bills to pay, kids crying and jobs to go to... or perhaps the little tete a tete you've been indulging in is their escape from reality. The anonymity of online relationships is a blessing and a curse, there is safety in being to hide much of your life from a stranger... BUT.... what are you hiding? A spouse/partner? 10 kids? Crippling debt? Criminal past? As we shift even farther into online/virtual relationships this becomes even more of a reality. I have no issues with online relationships but it seems easier to slip more quickly into a relationship with a complete stranger this way.
I have had chemistry with others, but none as such with my current partner. We started online and I was smitten with her from the first chat we had. I was experiencing some frenzy I'm sure but I felt a drawing to her that could not be denied. We got to know each other over months... We met online in July and did not have our first in person meeting until November. We logged more hours on chat,text and phone than I would dare try to calculate. It was October before we had our first video chat, I guess you could say we took things kinda slow. It was hard because we both felt the chemistry, but for once I wanted to know that all that I felt was real and I was willing to give it the time needed to be sure. Our first meeting was amazing (and somewhat hilarious) and our chemistry was undeniable and it remains so today, a year and 4 months later with a cross country move and a death that we supported one another through. She's the last thought at night and the first in the morning. We just spent 5 days together as I was off work and she works from home and what came out of that much time together is that I want more and when I'm at work, only .8 miles away it feels like I'm a million miles away from her. It shouldn't feel this wonderful, but it does, always has and I'm so grateful for it. When we are intimate it's as if we are lost in a world of our own... and when we finish we both want even more. That's the chemistry... what I always searched for... I found it and it was worth sifting through multiple relationships and years of wanting.
I guess I want to say, don't settle because it's sexy and hot at the beginning. Reserve giving your whole being to someone until the frenzy starts to wear off and the masks start to slip. Open your eyes and see that ugly too, we tend to ignore those things when our hormones are raging. The "ugly" doesn't mean that it should end but if you still feel the draw to that person despite all of the everyday bullshit, then maybe you do have chemistry. Stop painting pretty pictures in hope that you will be desired or loved more... life isn't sunshine and roses all the time, and anyone that wants to share your time will understand that and be supportive. This goes for both face to face or online relationships. Quit giving it all and getting your heart broken by someone you didn't take the time to get to know! You deserve better and anyone worth being in a relationship will agree and give it the time that you both deserve.
I wish you joy, peace and LOTS of kinky fuckery.... I hope that you find the one that you can't keep your hands off 30 years from now. You deserve it, everyone does.