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2 years ago. September 26, 2022 at 12:32 AM

Im just going to say it.

I do not understand why gorean is still a thing. The books were written as a response to the feminist movement.

They glorify non consent and misogyny. 

But mostly- I do not understand the need for a person to have someone else define their BDSM journey.  

Also- the slave position chart is racist, sexist and abelist. 


I am not understanding why anyone finds this appealing.  Much less why they would subscribe to it. 



Sweetlydepraved​(masochist female){I Guess } - It isn’t, for me, about invalidating a Goreans experience or decision to shape their point of view based on a book. It is about a recent person assuming a tone of authority on a subject, lending himself validity and speaking for an entire group as if he’s the person to do that. There is a difference between sharing your experiences for others to see, and sharing your experiences to sway or convince others of your way is best. This recent person intones that his way is more meaningful, that his way is the only way to fully embrace one’s submission, that he is some kind of authority over others. I asked a Gorean Master that I actually know and respect based on past conversations to read that recent blog. He wasn’t in agreement with the majority of it. If someone wants to think that way is best for them that’s fine but don’t present yourself as a self appointed spokesperson while also completely dismissing and invalidating everyone else.

Also thank you MB for pointing out the ableism.
2 years ago
Sweetlydepraved​(masochist female){I Guess } - It is that the Gorean mindset says that these positions are to be held in perfection. A slave girl that can not hold such a position is less valuable, somehow a failure. Have you actually read all of these books? I have read the majority. If I for instance, was a kajira and I can’t hold some positions because of a surgery I had long ago on my ankle, I’d be seen as less than the others by default. I’m not sure if that’s what MasterBear was speaking to but that’s how I take it.
2 years ago
Sweetlydepraved​(masochist female){I Guess } - Interesting viewpoint.
2 years ago
MasterBear​(other butch) - Thank you everyone for resonding here-

Just some additional thoughts-

not all slave positions are abelist. Gorean slave positions are.(I see the poster from time to time on insta and it just sets me off).

And two- for me, the culture is the problem. This isnt about a kink I dont like. It is about a culture within BDSM that has embraced extremely problematic views and glorifies them.

2 years ago

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