Recently I started a new position at my job that requires me to pass a series of exams in order to qualify for the work I'll be doing. And let me tell you, I look for every excuse to take a break from the study books and let my brain take a break.
Today, as my mind wandered, I began thinking about one of the (many) reasons I stayed single and unattached for so long. And I'm ashamed to say that reason was the probability that any guy I'd enter into a relationship with wouldn't have the same kinks as me. It might sound silly to some (although maybe not on this site), but I was so certain that if I met someone, I'd be forced into a vanilla relationship and I'd suffer a series of small deaths by not getting what I knew I needed. So I figured better off single than vanilla.
Don't get me wrong... I was pretty sure if I told a guy what I was looking for, he would probably do it. But then I'd feel guilty for having someone do something that they weren't really into in order for me to get off. I just felt so uncomfortable at the idea of a one-sided sexual interaction that I remained unattached.
But then (if you read my previous blog post), I found Tinder. And then I thought, "If I happened upon a dominant man on Tinder, could there be a site dedicated to finding people with the same kinks as me???"
And THAT, Ladies and Gentlemen, is how I found "The Cage".
Thank God for the internet! 😊