A major item of bondage furniture, usually constructed of wood often equipped with extra fixtures, for binding a person, particularly in preparation for flogging and whipping scenes. The familiar straight cross is known as a St George's cross; the X-shaped St Andrew's cross is much more convenient.
We went to a dungeon once that had crosses set up for use. I had never seen one used before. While we were there...I watched one couple use it briefly but then another couple arrived. This couple headed straight for the X cross. They started what I would say was their ritual. I could tell they had done this many times. They were an elderly couple... had to be in their 70's... which made it even more interesting. Under their " street" clothes they both were decked out in leather. The female was in full dominatrix gear and the male was in tight leather chaps that were butt less. Once they were down to the leather, the male put on a blindfold as he kneeled and then was lead to the cross. She then proceeded to whip him with various objects. His erection was impressive... it increased with each lash. Then when she was done... she removed his bindings, had him kneel as she removed the blindfold. She examined him and then helped him dress. He then helped her dress and they left.
I so wanted to stop them and ask so many questions... but I did not...I still wish I had. So intriguing...