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Tongue tied

Thoughts about life and BDSM...
6 years ago. November 28, 2017 at 3:56 PM

I am not normally political on here. But, today I am compelled to say something. I think this goes way beyond politics, to a core truth. What sparked this post was an article I read about the Pope’s visit to Myanmar. If you are not aware, there is an ethnic cleansing being spoken of in their country. The Rohingya are a group of people without a home. Horrible things are being spoken of being done to them. This is all in the name of religion. Now, I could go on a rant about religious abuse. But, I won’t.

My focus here is the human condition. We are all human. Beautiful. Wonderful. Humans. In my profile the first quote I have is one from Ghandi on how we should treat our fellow humans. This is first for a reason. Everywhere we turn we are taught that humanity is less than. That it’s okay to treat people as objects, and use them. To abuse them in the name of whatever angle people are playing at the time. That our humanity is horrible and shameful. My journey has been one of finding my humanity again. To make space for others to do the same.

Today, the Pope again displayed the churches distain for humanity. That again and again people will step on the neck of humanity in order to get what they want. To protect the angle they are playing. To control.

Friends, our community is no different then the rest of the world. There are people here that use, objectify, abuse, hunt, harass, and harm others in our community. I am a firm believer that we teach others how to treat us. Step back. Observe our community. What are we telling others about how we want to be treated? Individually, and as a collective? I want the humanity in this place to shine so brightly and beautifully, that anyone trying to attack that would be blinded by it’s brilliance. Be undone by it’s compassion. Be changed by it’s mercy.

My challenge I pose to myself today is, will I let the hate invade the place of peace we have all created here today? Or will I choose to raise the standard of how I carry myself? Today my heart hurts… It hurts for the achingly beautiful humans I see, and interact with everyday. Today was a day that could have directly affected over a half a million people in a positive way. A day they could have finally been acknowledged. That abusers everywhere could have been told “No More!” instead these people were once again told that they didn’t matter. By a man of faith, and by a Pulitzer PEACE prize winner.

I want to say this today. To counter the disrespect put out into the universe today. I care deeply about all you beautiful humans. All your rough edges, quirks, peccadillos, “flaws.” You are seen. You are heard. You are cared for.

“People were created to be loved. Things were created to be used. The reason why the world is in chaos is because things are being loved and people are being used.” -Ghandi

TakenLower - That is beautifully said, thank you Jenn. BTW Today is Take Over Tuesday it’s the day I plan to take over the world with my favorite Canadian. We should really just be a trio.
6 years ago
KnottyBear​(other female) - Count me in!
6 years ago
Bunnie - Beautifully said Jenn. Thank you.. love and hugs ?
6 years ago

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