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Words that Resonate

Can never predict t where the next bit of wisdom will come from.
2 years ago. July 6, 2022 at 5:13 AM

Your future “Self” is in love with you.
Imagine who that it is.

Only you can imagine that. 

Accept, but do not dwell on, who that ‘is not.

Once you turn that image into a belief, 

You will fall in love with the future you.

…a very good place to start.

Repeat until you are listening to your heart.

2 years ago. April 27, 2022 at 2:50 PM

I find I am most at ease and present during impact play.

The dynamic between the altruist of pain and the recipient of pain fascinates me. Within the control and responsibility given up by the masochist I create a scene structured by the voyeur, the auralist, the rigger, the flogger

… the sadist.

2 years ago. April 13, 2022 at 9:42 AM

Purpose.  I have always had one . It can and has changed, as life changes around me and shall continue to do so. Purpose, the core of your life ... and man lives a weakened existence without one. It is my opinion that when a dynamic becomes the purpose, it is because it has become the focus of where we find happiness, (assuming that all emotions are an extension of having or not  having  happiness ). Not having purpose within the dynamic means an absences of synergy . Together a dynamic has each individual purpose plus a collective purpose,  and significantly more happiness when working together . Having significantly greater energy than the individuals Create separately,  the dynamic is then to be used to create the most desirable  life possible for those within. This is achieved by understanding what creates happiness for the other and for the collective energy. If synergy is present  it is your purpose and a Dom  must learn the disciplines to build and maintain the dynamic . It is about making a dynamic into a living breathing work of art and then, by protecting the connections involved, in keeping the dynamic safe….The dynamic will become the ‘Purpose’ ..... If synergy is not present

…  then your purpose has shifted.

2 years ago. April 6, 2022 at 3:25 PM

To connect with somebody

is to connect with them wholly, 

so that their faults, oddities

and failings are a part 

of a single unity,

as sweetly,

as deftly interwoven

as the threads of a melody

in a song.

2 years ago. January 1, 2022 at 1:19 PM

Feelings of hurt, loss, betrayal and abandonment,

they are just that, my feelings,

my world creation
nothing less.

I own them;

my emotions

 emanate from me.

These flow from misplaced trust in a reflection

something that “was/n’t”,

 I will forgive myself! I must.

Then I will know,

how to forgive.

2 years ago. December 25, 2021 at 10:17 AM

I am Connected to all but attached to nothing. All i desire is within me . Claiming myself as whole as a sovereignty is how i reach those desires.

Going with the flow is the only heathy logical way.


What you resist , persists.


Trying to avoid something makes it stronger.


Instead of saying I wouldn’t do something immoral… or destructive …. Or vanilla even., I embrace my shadow self and the fact that I could but choose not to .


I own and accept all my actions. Our righteous thoughts  are learned behaviours and  prevent our growth.


Most humans , have most things backwards Imagine if you let your inner desires play out and deny your self nothing . Accept Pain when it comes  and pleasure whenever it is made available … ahhhh … bliss.

Bliss therory. Instead of changing the world , I will change myself.

“You never change something by fighting the existing reality. To change something build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.”  -Buckminster Fuller

3 years ago. November 7, 2021 at 6:34 AM

Before the arrow is released, the bow must be pulled backwards, under tension. Hold. Pluck the tightly drawn string; the frequencies created by the strained bow are

meandering, dissonant, unsettling. Micro movements hard to control and maintain . But this is the only way for the arrow to be realeased and to fly; to sail through the air and  find it’s target.

4 years ago. June 17, 2020 at 2:32 PM

Just for a moment, I would like you to consider the chaos that seems to disrupt, enhance or govern our paths through life. Now also consider the millions of random events that are, and have been, created in every second, in every moment, being affected by that chaos and happenining not only around us now,  but to the millions before us and the interactions they experienced, and those that  they did not, cross checked with  every decision made and the ones that were not,  just so you would, take a breath whilst reading this, in the now, in this particular moment...........The probabilities of organized chaos . Is it all random states of disorder? Maybe.  Irregularities of a divine, hive like creation? Maybe Or, is there a set of deterministic laws  that govern  highly sensitive initial conditions. I think yes.

 Mr J. Mauls.

4 years ago. March 19, 2020 at 2:48 AM

A favourite quote .

When she's abandoned her moral center

and teachings...

when she's cast aside her facade of propriety

and lady like demeanor...

when I have so corrupted this fragile thing

and brought out a writhing, mewling, bucking, wanton whore

for my enjoyment and pleasure.....

enticing from within, this feral lioness...

growling and scratching and biting...

taking everything I dish out to her...


at that moment she is never more beautiful to me. "

- Marquis de Sade

5 years ago. December 11, 2018 at 1:57 AM

The gray wolves gather to meet in their usual place

a circle of stone pillars topped with snow, 

their shapes almost camouflaged on the icy ground

the pack leader jumps on top on the centre rock

and calls the meeting together


The lone wolf watches from outside the circle 

he was never viewed as part of the group

he only came to answer the call

but knew he would never be included


There is something very different about this wolf

his eyes the colour of sapphires 

he is still considered young in terms of age

in terms of experience he is much older than many

the scar marks are visible beneath his fur

these have made him more knowledgeable than the rest


From a young age he’s hunted alone

has known hunger but also knows about plenty

sometimes he’s shared his kills with other lone wolves

many times he has helped them survive


The moon has always stared down at him

almost with a look of disappointment

he can’t find the words to answer back yet

thinking that maybe it’s watching over him

guiding him to unseen opportunities


His destiny to him is far from certain

he can only see the future day by day

if he knew what would soon happen to him

it would give him a reason to survive another winter


In the coming years he will meet a mate

and that will transform his life forever

soon after they will have a pack of their own

a great source of pride for the pair


Though he will then live in greater comfort

he will never forget his lone wolf days

and if ever he learned to speak in the tongues of man

this is what he would say


My fellow lone wolves listen closely

there is still hope for each and every one

may you find your own mate and have a family

please always remember this

that no matter who you are

there will always be someone who loves you