So, today's blog is an assignment from Pup Kato. So, it will be different than all my others. In my time of being their brat, I have learned many life lessons. Of course they were not easy at all to learn. Then again, what in life is easy. I wont be sharing all my lessons. Don't have that kind of time. I will however share one important lesson.
The first one I have learned and still am learning, is learn when to close your mouth. For instance, Me. Most nights, I will fall asleep on the phone with Pup Kato. Well, during the night time I tend to get more mouthy. Well, a prime example is when told to go to bed, my response is "Why don't you make me." Well, they make sure it happens and they do 100 percent make me go to bed. Other nights its, "You go to bed, and I'll follow in a few hours." Other nights its "I dont feel like like going to bed." Or Pup Kato's favorite thing I've said in response to "Go to bed" is "Sleep is for the weak, so I dont need sleep". So learn when to fight your battles. Learn when to mouth off and when to back up and just obey. Not all the way, but enough to not get in an overabundance of trouble. Once your in trouble, leave it and do the punishment before you get in more trouble. Always know where the boundaries are and dont go further than there.
Starting today, I will be starting a series with the help of Pup Kato. One blog daily. So, until tomorrow, Stay Bratty My Friends.