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Good morning beautiful Souls (Self-Care )

Good morning beautiful souls, remember self care is important! Every soul deserves the best regardless what others think.
So do something today for yourself, it could be simple as just drinking a cup of water and telling yourself that you deserve the best regardless of your past or what others think. Whatever happened yesterday or in your past is not your future. It's a new day to add more light and positivity in your life. Take care beautiful souls...I SEE YOU???
4 years ago. August 7, 2019 at 6:29 PM


Sometimes you have to say "F" (F=Fuck it/Forget it or Even could mean Freedom from something that is holding you down) it and walk away!!
Life is too short and too precious to be worrying about people or things that have no purpose in your life.
It's time to fly Butterflies🦋/Eagles🦅/Warriors😎/Beautiful Souls🤗🤗

4 years ago. August 4, 2019 at 5:15 PM

Hey there Beautiful Souls,

I'm just stopping by and sending you all some positive and loving energy.  Take care of yourself because self care is important. Xoxo🤗

Here some nice little pick me/you up music from Stevie Wonder, I hope you enjoy. 


4 years ago. August 1, 2019 at 9:46 PM

I hope all is well for. I decided to post this video up about letting go and forgiveness while I'm off work today.  

4 years ago. July 31, 2019 at 1:56 PM

Please don't let this man appearance or his religion belief stop you from hearing this message. Before looking at this video, be in a mindframe of being patient and having an open ear, I truly feel there is a message in here for everyone regardless of race, sex, religion or financial status.

Please check this video out below:

We all are going to go thru things that will knock us down...we just have to get back up, seek help if need be and continue to do our best. Everything that happens to us is just a lesson for us to become a better spirit or Soul or who knows, maybe we had to go thru it so we can help someone go thru it. Regardless we are here for a reason and it not to suffer but to become a better person to help ourselves, others and the universe. We are connect more then you think.

Enjoy your day beautiful Souls.
Soul Power to you all. ( YES EVEN YOU!)

4 years ago. July 27, 2019 at 11:55 PM

Man I am so craving, some cupcakes, steak and French fries. It would be nice to be in a nice hotel relaxing on the balcony and having those item to enjoy. Ugh. I'm so lazy now so, laying down is my getaway at the moment. Well enjoy your day. 

4 years ago. July 20, 2019 at 2:12 AM

I watch people daily, I see people struggling, in pain, lost, ignored , abandoned, no love received especially from themselves. I watch people sit around waiting for someone to make them happy. Sorry luv you are your own Savior/Warrior/Protector. Life is Too short my luvs, do any mean by necessary to find a way to make yourself happy. Stop seeking validation. Stop living in the past, we all messed up in our life at one point and most likely we will mess up again. Forgive others and please forgive YOURSELF. Whatever someone told you or the negative belief you still believe about yourself is NO Longer valid!!! IT'S time to put the a little Light back in your darkness. Find a spot and start dropping little lights of positivity and loving energy. You are here for a reason!!! Trust me death will come for us all but in the meantime----->Live Beautiful Souls. The universe needs you more then you think. YES EVEN YOU TOO!! FORGET WHAT YOU HEARD OR THOUGHT...YOU ARE SPECIAL AND VERY IMPORTANT!!!

Peace and Soul Power to all 🤗😙🤗

4 years ago. July 18, 2019 at 1:07 PM

Well well well, Good morning beautiful Souls. May your day be a great one.😙😙😙
#Remember you are the only true protector of your Soul and Flesh. #Only you can bring happiness to yourself, it's not other people's job to do that. People are only add on to the happiness you should have for yourself. Take care BEAUTIFUL SOULS 😙🤗🙋🏾‍♀️

Peace and Soul Power to all.
Soul Goddess 

4 years ago. July 9, 2019 at 2:21 AM

Hey beautiful Souls🙋🏾‍♀️  No matter how your day went🤷🏾‍♀️ I wanted to dedicate this song to you all. Before listening, please find a quiet place to relax and listen and watch. Pretend you found a whole new world of Loving energy. Feel the love of the song going thru your Soul and flesh. 

Peace and Loving Soul Power to you all.

Enjoy 😙🤗🤗

4 years ago. July 7, 2019 at 3:27 PM

I thought this may be cool to share, although she is funny sassy lady with a good message...I must warn that some parts in video my be triggering for some. (Heck I did shed a tear up but I like the message, although back in the days I probably cut it off) So please pay attention to yourself and if it is too much please just turn it off. Always always protect your heart and emotions. Oh and it does give a triggering WARNING before it goes on to the next subject. 

4 years ago. July 7, 2019 at 3:13 PM

Hey BEAUTIFUL SOULS,  I hope you all have a peaceful and relaxing Soulful Sunday. Remember the energy you give yourself in the morning will help shape how your day may go. So today's a new day, so grab a hold to as much positivity you can and go with the flow.  I have faith in you all to make this day your day.


Peace and Soul Power to all 🤗✌🏾😙😙