The CRAVE!!! Is it an obsession? Is it something you can get over?
To me it feels like a desire. But how do crave and desire be the same? Are they the same? How can one heat of passion that you’ve never had only read be such a desire or a craving?
is it the body or the passion that is my craving? Honestly it’s both. Human touch is important to everyone. Human touch is a human necessity in life. And can it be healthy if you live without it. Can it be the problem with the crave with the desire. I don’t know the answer to these questions. But I do know me. I have waited this long I can wait for Sir Right.
I honestly believe that waiting can be be a good thing maybe I’m a prude Sub. I’m not sure about that. I have waited so long now that how can I cheat myself one glorious and beautiful body mind and spirt encounter. How can I deny my body the release of letting go because the person I am with I trust whole body and heart that passion has never been released I have never let go of control and I will not deny myself this. Nor will I deny my Dom the experience of watching this transformation of me.
god yes it is. Is it going to be worth it. That is a journey that I am waiting on to start. I know now what it feels like to trust. And I know the crave and desire I feel for that person. Can this feeling be any better than what it already is? I am so excited to find out and start a new journey in life. If it never happens it’s ok because I will enjoy the adventure to find out if I am meant to go to infinity and beyond.