Do you ever think about time?
what is time. Is it an hour a moment a second? Is it only on our watches or now a days our cell phones?
does something bad have to happen before we stop the chaos in our lives to see the beauty in this world. Are our lives so busy we don’t have “time” to sit and listen to the stories of our elders? Is it so busy we don’t have “time” to play with our children? For a lot of people the answer to this question is sadly “YES”.
who is responsible for our time our parents, our children, friends or family? The answer to that question is we allow it to “BE”.
each moment each second is not something we will ever get back. Each hour is precious.
so why do we waste our precious time on so many stupid things? Like revenge or angry these things waste so much of our time it’s not funny. Just last night my roommate was so mad at the backyard fence and our neighbors that she forgot to enjoy the time she was spending with me and her son fixing the fence.
my time is so very precious to me I count every second a gift. I don’t really participate in life. I’m a stand behind the curtain kind of girl. I prefer life and people don’t know I exist really. Life is safer that way people don’t bother you to much unless they see you with something they want and feel they are entitled to have. Then they take it away. So best if no one knows.
anyway I have put a lot of thought into this yesterday as I was working my usual 17 hour day and watched people. They just throw anything into their shopping carts and it’s crap and they feed this to their children that they don’t sit down and eat dinner with. It’s just microwave put on plate so they can get on their cell phones. I don’t usually cuss but yup there’s my favorite word “butt” 😂 WHAT THE FUCK PEOPLE!!! Get off your phones eat dinner together make some memories for god’s sakes. I raise five children pretty much a single mom and dinner was at the table 85% of the time. It’s where we each talked about our day and what was going on. some of our best memories are at that old worn out dinner table. 10 cent muffins will always and forever be a laugh With my family. Each will always smile if they think about it.
it’s time lol love the pun here. Butt 😂 it really is time for people to take their time back slow the hell down and enjoy life we only get one.
time to me is memories the answer to my own question.