What can you wish for. Is there a limit? Dreams, is there a limit on those also? I can bet a penny right now that 90% of you said that there’s no limit. But I am sure there is. Or maybe god doesn’t allow some people to have them.
why do we wish or dream? Do they ever come true? And why can they only come true for certain people? Is it like one in a million chances of winning the lottery?
as of today I will no longer believe in wishes I will no longer believe that wishes and dreams can change anything or come true. For me life is better to sleep it off. Because reality is not better than the empty bliss of sleep. Reality is lonely and cold. I wonder if this is hell. I can’t imagine hell being any worse than a life with no wishes or dreams. I find it just the way you see hell in the movies except no flams just empty cold land.
loneliness takes us to a new level. Some of find peace with gardening some read books some cook. But what if you don’t anywhere to garden. What if you have no one to cook for but yourself. What if reading is all you have.
why do keep dreaming with your eyes open? Why do you keep throwing your pennies in the wishing well. I ask myself these questions today.
the biggest question I ask myself is will I ever be enough for myself? Or anyone else? And what is being enough?
yes I’m having one of those days today we all have them. I won’t be ashamed. We all have these days. What if I’m to fat, skinny, to short, to tall? Wishing we were what we are not. But in the end we have to accept what we are. And if that means being alone then accepting it is our first step.
How do we accept that though being alone is not easy. Accepting who you are is the first step maybe in finding yourself. I don’t know. What I do know is I won’t dream I won’t wish. I will have faith that my dreams that I’ve dreamed and the wishes I have already wished will come true. But faith is all I have left. I have not lost that yet . But believe, dream, and wishing I can’t do it anymore.
why is there more outside in this world. And do I want to see the outside world. I have seen the news and it’s awful outside is there a community of just good heart people with smiles and rainbows? My world inside my walls wants to expand but it’s held down but the reality of this world.