So you know when you say asking fir a friend?
ok people it really is asking for a friend!!!! Omg I love you all sooooo much.
after my last blog I have been getting a lot of messages on my profile asking how I am doing or just even had a few send ♥️‘S. I really really promise with all of my heart I was asking for a friend.
she is quiet and shy and she was hurt badly. Yes I wish I knew what to say to her but I didn’t so I said let me write a blog and then she could read the comments. Which by the way thank you to those that commented.
I have fallen in love with two men on this site one is resting in peace. The other is fighting for his life. I will love them both forever one was loved as an amazing friend I couldn’t ask for a better friend.
the other was and still is a one way love and a one way friendship. But it’s ok once I love I don’t know how to stop loving or caring.
I have also learned I am not meant to be loved. I have just enough love to get me through this lifetime. I have my kids that love me I have a grandchild that loves me. I have learned that needs to be enough. And I AM OK WITH IT. That saying love what you have not what you don’t have well I have learned it. Accepted it. And yes I have ups and downs just like everyone else. Yes I get adventurous and think I want more. Then I remember it’s ok to just be who I am and that what I have is enough.
and no I am not a brat just sassy. Just someone who likes to get things done. I don’t like lose ends or things unfinished. Just do it and do it right the first time.
ugggh thank you for letting me vent everyone.