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Plain Jane

Well I am just a plain Jane with simple thoughts. Bdsm is new and I love learning about it. One day I may have a relationship. I have tried a couple of times but have come to realize I get attached fast and that is not a good thing. So for now going to continue my learning.
2 years ago. November 9, 2021 at 2:05 AM

My life for so long has revolved around my children and still does. having the beautiful gift of being a house hold Manager and CEO of the we say so Corporation I had the wonderful gift of memories. And in trying difficult times like I’m having lately I have been using these to get through these time. I am very happy that I am being able to share them with you and for your kind words. It has helped me see how blessed my life really is. Thank you all. 

so cute baby is number four in my line up. He has always been very crafty with money making ideas. He started very young. I wish I could be lying about this but at age 3 he would go sell golf balls to the golfers that played on the golf course next to our house. He would talk one of his older sisters to take him out. Then as he got older and started kindergarten he would go by himself I could see him from out big window and would save my chores for the living room for him so I could watch. He started just selling golf balls. He would walk the yard and collect the balls each day. He was very vigilant about collecting his golf balls and would call each one a quarter. He knew four made a dollar.
As time went on he decided to sell lemonade. I would help him pack his wagon and set it up with a small ice chest with ice and solo cups. Off he would go to sell his golf balls and lemonade. 
well one day I helped him pack his wagon. Well I thought I had done my job. But as all of us parents know kids are slipper little humans. But I watched him take off pulling his little wagon. I had yard work and he would wave at me and I would wave back. The phone rang and I went into answer it. It was cordless and I was heading back out. But before I got there the flag man was at my front door with my cute baby. I looked at both and the flag man was very nice and told me that we had a problem. I thought we’ll he got caught and this gig was up for my poor boy that loved what he did. Making money😂🤣♥️. 

the flag man then said that cute baby was always very polite and one of the happiest little boys he had ever meet. I told him thank you and that he enjoyed doing what he did. He smiled and said yes ma’am I don’t doubt that for a minute. But we still have a problem, and that he didn’t mind cute baby selling his lemonade or his golf balls. But he could not let my 5 year old commit Illegal activity. Well at that moment I was mama bear and I looked at him and said that the day selling lemonade and golf balls was illegal activity there was something wrong with America. then I pointed out that cute baby always stayed on the sidewalk the golfers came to him. He put his hand up yes ma’am this is all true but today cute baby was selling more than golf balls and lemonade. I looked down at my poor baby with tears in his eyes and I picked him up wiped his eyes and told him it was ok and he needed to just tell me what he was selling. Once I got him to take a few deep breaths he asked if he was in trouble. I looked at his sweet little angel face and said if he told me the truth it would be ok. The flag man just stood there very patient and let cute baby re-compose himself. Then cute baby got down from the safety of my arms and opened his ice chest. I gasped and I was speechless to say the least.
There in his little red wagon sat his ice chest full of his fathers beer. I looked up at the flag man and I couldn’t apologize more. I just looked at him. He smiled and told me the golfers enjoyed my son and That he thought they pour the lemonade out but they would still buy a cup. And He don’t mind cute baby never came on the course and always waves at him with a smile. But He still couldn’t allow him to sell Beer.
My poor cute baby again had huge tears. And of course smashed his face in my legs. I smiled at the flag man I was soooo trying not to laugh at this point he was trying not to laugh either. He got down and rubbed cute baby’s back. He was so kind to my son. He told him that his selling for the day was done and that he couldn’t return till Saturday.
 I mouthed thank you and told him I promised to check the ice chest before he left. He rubbed cute baby’s head and then went back to his golf cart on the course. 
My poor son looked up at me and asked if he was in trouble I told him that he had been punished enough and that I could finish my yard work later and we went inside and made no bake cookies. I pushed the peanut butter ones in the back of the cupboard that I had already baked that morning.
My cute baby has given me so many memories though the years. 

oh and yes that is his real nickname 😂 he looked like a Gerber baby. He had a face of an angel with the tiny little curls in the back that haloed his face. 

thank you for letting me ramble and babble my beautiful memories. When the bad things happen I like to pull these out and think about the good. It helps me I know how blessed I am, even if I’m A nerd, weird and a misfit. One day I will fit like a glove to someone’s hand like a glove to a first baseman. 


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