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Plain Jane

Well I am just a plain Jane with simple thoughts. Bdsm is new and I love learning about it. One day I may have a relationship. I have tried a couple of times but have come to realize I get attached fast and that is not a good thing. So for now going to continue my learning.
2 months ago. June 9, 2024 at 7:25 PM

I don’t know about everyone on here. Ok I don’t know hardly anyone on here. So I’m just going to ask am I the only one that gets asked who are you? 

i’m never sure how to answer that question because to me. This is me today. But during my day I’m going to learn grow and change. My actions will be different each day also. So who I am today may not be who I am tomorrow. 

everyday is new it brings new life lessons new beauty we haven’t seen yet. And each days new adventures changes us. 

we all have the same basic life fundamentals. Food water clothes. We all seek love. Even if we are not sure what loves means to us. Maybe it’s a feeling you get inside you. Maybe you’re numb from life’s lessons. But we each interpret it differently. And even this can change daily. 

we each have our own life values. And these change a lot in people I’ve come to realize. They also change daily. 

What makes us, us? Is it our lifestyle? Or our values? Is it our feelings for that day? 

when I hear people ask that question I see these three basic answers: I’m honest, loyal and trustworthy. These are great answers who wouldn’t want to be with someone with these qualities. Right?

Well now let’s look at these answers: isn’t  trustworthy and honest kind of the same answer? Then there’s Loyal that’s also a great answer but who are you loyal to? 

I have been thinking about this question lately and I am no different I came up with these same three answers with a few  other  also. But then thought about it.  if my answers are the same as your answers, does that make us the same. How can we be the same and yet different? 

and then thought if these are the same answers for everyone do we live in a perfect world? Because if we are all trustworthy loyal and honest then we have nothing to fear? Right. 

so yes I like to say I’m loyal I’m trustworthy and honest. And I do my best to do what’s right even if it’s hard and my hands sweat and legs shake having to admit I made a mistake, And take responsibility for my Actions or words. 

Just me thinking inside my head.


hope you all have a wonderful day.


Sir Don​(dom male){Nt looking} - A very good posting
I like the part , of taking responsibility for actions and/ or words.
Also learning who you are is good thing on a daily basis
2 months ago
Six Foot Four - For men, especially American men, we get "what do you do," a lot more. At least I do IRL. Actually, now that I'm thinking about it, I get "how are you," the most. I don't know that I've ever actually been asked 'Who are you?" I feel like that's kind of self-evident, but I wouldn't say I'm the most active person on the Cage. Here's hoping you have a great day too!
2 months ago
Wandarae{Not lookin} - 🤔 hummmmm.
2 months ago

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