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On my growth
3 years ago. May 8, 2021 at 9:53 PM

So ... Let's see. Hypothetical situation.. So let's say someone Contacts a taken person, when it is clearly written in profile as so .... Then, they to make a pass at them all the while complaining the last person they met wasn't as presented. ...then proceeding to say you're respectful and all kinds of other nice things . Then the person is called out for the disrespectful behavior and so the person lashes out and calls you fat , illiterate etc.... 


Well , let's see. What is wrong with this hypothetical situation, friends?  


Take care all-





3 years ago. April 21, 2021 at 9:49 PM

I am not sure if this really should be a forum post, but I guess I can write whatever on my blog.  This refers to no one specific here. I just was wondering if anyone else has noticed that when people find something new ... Ie some position in a club, new job, new activity they enjoy ..etc... it becomes so easy for them to forget the ones who were there during other points in their life.  The ones who were there for them. People change.  People develop new relationships and new hobbies ..get new jobs, new positions etc. For some people, it changes them in a way you question who they even were to begin with. Suddenly when you reach out to them, you are below them. They are superior and you don't fit into their status. Your ONE message to them in several days to check in on them becomes ..."no reason to blow me up.." when just a couple of months ago , they were sending you large amounts of messages or calling you over and over ....struggling with boundaries because they were "lonely."  You care about them, so you set boundaries , but continued to be there for them.  Now, your one message to them was just too much and the life you live is beneath them.    Anyone experienced things like this time and time again?  It sure is interesting.  Interesting and hurtful.  


Love to all 



3 years ago. April 20, 2021 at 6:31 PM

So life is about ups and downs right ?  It's like a rollercoaster with no end.  I'm happy with my rollercoaster ride. As long as we maintain who we are along the ride and don't lose our selves , it's gonna be ok.  Even if we do, just a bit of searching and we can find ourselves again. 


A great song I heard that I hadn't in a long time..


Enjoy folks.  


Have a great one and don't forget to stay true to who you are.  


With Love ,DS

3 years ago. April 16, 2021 at 10:40 PM


1: My favourite childhood toy.
Ninja turtles figurines.  Lol!!!

2: favourite album
This one is super tough for me since I love music so much and so many different types..I'd have to go with Matchbox 20 -"Unwell"

3: Favourite childhood TV show

4: First film at the cinema
I believe it was Pocahontas..but not 100 percent sure. 

5: First crush Celebrity and personal

Joey Fatone from N'sync. Personal - gym teacher in elementary school 😳

6: Favourite animal
Geezz , another difficult probably..but if referring to wild animal, would be monkey

7: Favourite film
Patch Adams

8: First kiss who and where
So this is a bit of a debate within my family ... The first bus driver I had claims I was kissing a boy on the bus in kindergarten.. A best friend who lived down the street.  I remember denying it 😂😂

9: First real contact with the Kink world
Was tied up on my birthday one year and handcuffed to a partner's bed...he put ice cream over my body , ate it off ...and then I was introduced to my first vibrator. 

10: Only one person to be left on a Island with for a year, without any technology.
My son. 


Thanks for the Challenge. This was fun!!

3 years ago. April 16, 2021 at 5:19 PM

Ever have that feeling that something just must be missing or not right ?  Can't put your finger on it , but it just seems wrong in your gut...?  Maybe you aren't getting the full picture.  Maybe you are getting the full picture and you just don't choose to look at the details, which show the problem?  Maybe you are concocting it all in your head, but everytime the feeling goes away, it eventually returns? Ever have someone tell you that ?  It's all in your mind.  Everything is fine.  You know damn well something isn't right.  Listen to your gut folks.  You must follow your heart also, but please listen to your gut. Those unsettling feelings aren't there for nothing.  

All I have for today :) 








3 years ago. April 10, 2021 at 11:30 PM

You are worthy of love. You are worthy of respect.  You are worthy of attention.  You can say no.  You can indulge in moments of SELF care.  You can and should forgive yourself for all the times you were quick to say something negative or that you find was wrong down the line.  You can and should rid yourself of those who make you feel badly about yourself.  You can and should love who you want to. 


No matter who you are you are worthy of things in life and you can and should do what is best for you ! 


This post was a reminder to myself as well. I know it is all true, but writing it out helps remind me and I hope it helps some of you too.  


Have a great evening cage friends. 



3 years ago. April 7, 2021 at 11:58 PM

Hello Cage friends. I have gotten a bit busy lately with life and all it's twists and turns..haven't been on much, but glad I got the opportunity to log in. I don't often talk about my moods in my blogs..more often about my experiences and hoping to help others through out my journey and the lessons I learn.  Tonight , I feel a burning desire to talk about my mood.  Lately , even with going through a flare up of autoimmune issues and super busy life things , I have been so super sexually excited and feel like I crave, crave , crave.  I think I go through time periods when it is a little less, but more often my drive is super high. I feel crazy sometimes because my mind is so focused on my trainings and play time and just... naughty, masochistic and fun sex!  Ok. I feel better now. Just had to get that out.  


Again , I know a post like this doesn't usually come from me ..but why can't It right? Lol!!


Hope everyone is doing well. Have a great night !







3 years ago. March 18, 2021 at 6:27 PM

Your limits and needs are yours and no one is to tell you whether you expect too much. Everyone has limits and needs. If they aren't met, especially when ample time is given, we all have a right to speak up and say so ...Dom, sub, doesn't matter.  We all have them, if a potential partner or even current partner continues to fail to meet them or crosses a hard limit at any point, it's time to find someone who will and won't! All of us deserve to find that right person for us.  Don't settle folks!


Have a good one everyone!





3 years ago. March 14, 2021 at 10:56 PM

Music is a great way to express and let out feelings.  I have utilized it all of my life as a resource to just let it all out.  Here's my song for today.



Have a great night cage buddies 



3 years ago. March 13, 2021 at 2:38 AM

I have met all kinds of people since I have been in the Cage... people I didn't necessarily get along with and people who have been excellent friends and offered support and love throughout the community.  I just want to thank those in the community who are so caring and supportive of others , especially when they are going through tough times or uncharted territory.  



Raising a glass of wine to you all 


Thank you!!!
