As I sit here in the shadows i can hear a voice call out to me. I can't make out what the voice is saying so I get up and start looking for this voice. I start to ask myself who could it be. What does it want. Where did this voice come from. I look and look but i can't seem to find it. As I get closer to where is sounds like it is coming from. The voice ask me are you ready? I take a second to think what the hell is it talking about am I ready. Ready for what I wonder. There is so many things that I am ready for. So i say to the voice ready for what. The voice reply no you are not ready yet but you will be soon enough. Then i call out to the voice who are you and it's reply was I'm you well the real you but you are not ready to find me yet. But when you are you will be whole again.
4 years ago. March 25, 2020 at 7:21 PM