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Adine's thoughts

This is where I go to rant or rave.
Sometimes one may get a glimpse into my mind to see how I think.
1 year ago. December 24, 2022 at 2:06 PM

I am struggling with something that is really confusing.

I want a loving Commited relationship were both parties trust, respect and treat each other with care and dignity.

At the same time I want to be tied up and used to satisfy his needs. with no rights or choice of my own. Just a thing for him to use as he desires.

How can these two co-exist?

I meet someone who wants to use me but they don't respect me or care about me outside of wanting to use me as a sex toy.

Or I will meet someone who is sweet and respects me, but doesn't want to own or treat me like an object.

Its like I cant have one with out the other and its driving me coocoo for cocoa puffs.

There is like a razor fine line that I dont know how to balance on.

How can I bring these to sides of me into harmony?

CanBiWife​(dom female) - That is soooo intriguing … wanting a committed relationship combined with wanted to be objectified and used as a toy.

It makes sense to me. With the right person, I think it would be possible to have both.

Different moods and different experiences with the same Dom or Domme 🥰
1 year ago
WhatamIfightingfor​(dom male) - Why understanding boundaries is so hard.
I can only speak for myself. It would have to role play, and scheduled. For me sex has to be secondary.

Sometimes, you do things that are not in your preference, but not in violation of your nature for your partner. It is one of those things one learns. A great example was on the TV show ER. The grand daughter, has her first period , young and before her parents think possible. Well she is staying with her grandfather who dutifully goes out into a storm to get her feminine hygiene products and falls down doing so. He ends up in the ER, talking with his daughter, her mother, who is going, this can't be, and why did you do this dad. His response was basically, you do what you need to do look after your family. If he can't get his head around he may have to think more deeply about his own motivations and reasons he is not ready yet.

1 year ago
Morley​(sub female){Max Sterne} - It is absolutely possible. It's not about bringing two sides of you together or in harmony, because they are who you are in a whole. If you take your time, you will find the One that will be all of what you need as you will be for them. It's not an easy road, but the road exits and it's a wonderful journey.

I wish you the very best and remember to always stay true to the whole you. ❤️
1 year ago
MDaddyForHer​(dom male) - I believe it’s possible for each person to find their match. I choose to believe. Trust. Communication. Being careful. Like two who match. Don’t give up.
I haven’t either. The obstacles.
The difficult road. Strengthen you.
Like a fire. Will temper the metal.
Best Wishes.
1 year ago

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