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4 years ago. April 10, 2020 at 8:12 PM

I sent this to a member of the cage who asked me advice on coping with submissive guilt. I thought it might help other women struggling with wanting to be submissive after being told their whole lives how important it is to be strong and independent and that it might bring peace of mind to other women who share the same beliefs.  

"I don't feel guilty for being submissive. I think feeling guilty for wanting to give up control is the side effect of the third wave feminist movement that insists that all women should strive for independence and power. I don't agree with that at all. I believe women were designed to be the helpers of men, and men were designed to be the protectors and lovers of women. If anything, I feel guilty for the opposite of submission. I feel guilty when I am trying to take over my husband's role as leader and emasculate him so he'll cave to my demands. I feel happy when I am being submissive. I feel at peace when my husband's expectations of me are made clear. I feel joy when I meet them and I feel ecstatic when I surpass his expectations and the happiness of it shines on his face. I love being submissive in bed. When my husbands is rough with me, he's reminding me that he owns me. He can do whatever he wants to me. It's thrilling to know how powerful he is and to know that he curbs it every second of the day to show me his gentleness. The bedroom is the only place he can let out his raw masculinity. It's primal. It awakens something deep inside of us that we've silenced through the generations. Men want to rule and women want to kneel. There's nothing wrong with that when both parties respect and love each other, when both people are consenting, and when they both trust each other." 


Literate Lycan​(dom male) - Respect!
4 years ago
darlingnikki​(sub female){Taken} - I love this.
4 years ago
Nemesis - Well written.
4 years ago
The Bull​(dom male) - Hi Jolene, great piece, and no one should feel ashamed for whom they are and no organization should have the arrogance to tell anyone how they should live there lives. If a woman feels her life fulfilled, if she feels love, warmth and safety with a DOM, well then its no one else's business but their own. But you are right that modern feminism would tell you that you should never submit to a man, that you should feel shame and that you are somehow betraying other women, but these same feminist would tell you that a man should be not a man, he should be more like a woman. And how happy are all these peoples with their modern vision of gender roles? I would argue that people are even less happy then previous generation because they keep being told all of their lives that what they want is wrong! We are all different, but we all have to decide for ourselves how we want to live our lives, and if you are not hurting or taking from others while being yourself then good on YOU!
4 years ago

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