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4 years ago. April 15, 2020 at 1:33 PM

It seems like the more submissive I become, the more distant my husband becomes. The more I take on, the less connected we are. I've suspected for awhile that he only knows how to love by showing remorse and he only feels love through reassurance, but I'm tired of living and loving that way. *sigh* I won't give up. I won't stop being submissive and caring and loving just because the other side feels empty. I won't let feeling alone rob me of the happiness I experience when I'm being true to myself. 


Norwegian Vikingr - I'm sorry these things are happening though. Has he given any clue as to why? Or what he truly wants?
4 years ago
Jolene​(sub female){PapaBear} - He wants me to serve him and to handle the whole house, child-rearing, etc... but he doesn't want me to be soft and sensitive. He wants me to be fiercely independent, smart-mouthed, and to also take care of myself. I've tried explaining to him that I can't take care of everything, him, everyone else AND myself. Submission and independence don't go hand in hand with me. Maybe I'm just coming at this wrong, but when I'm managing everything and I don't have someone looking out for me, I get burnt out and shut down.
4 years ago
Grey Eyes​(sub female){Owned} - Sounds like my first marriage. But at that time I didn't know I needed to submit. In some ways you're way ahead of the game in understanding that need in you...and I can only imagine the push and pull you are feeling.
4 years ago
DaddyDrago​(dom male){LilAmethys} - With deep and sincere respect Ms. Jolene, it sounds as if he struggles to take the reigns?
Ephesians 5:21 - Submit to ONE ANOTHER to honor God. Verse 25 - Husbands love your wives just as Christ loved the church and gave Himself for her.

Servant leadership. I would surmise......and take with a grain of salt please (if not a whole mountain)............often men don't want the responsibility. The thing is, it is what we are called to do. As husbands it's our duty to lead by example. Doing so requires us to meet our partners' needs whatever they may be. It is a challenge to convince someone to love another so selflessly. Unconditional love (agape) is a forever work in progress.

PLEASE do not hear he is a poor husband or awful person. I do not ever intend to mean such. That's not for me to say anyways. Just pointing out, from a male's perspective, what MAY be the challenge for him. Suffice it to say I was in a similar situation once and this is partly what I wrestled with.

I truly am sorry for your struggle and hope you can find a way to discover your peace.
4 years ago

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