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4 years ago. May 5, 2020 at 6:10 AM

I have someone who continuously wreaks absolute havoc in my life. I can never unwind. I am never safe. The emotional attacks infiltrate my life, penetrating into the intimacy of my family, infecting it from the inside out. I can't stop the constant abuse. There's no way for me to protect myself or my family against it, at least not for now. I can only endure, at the expense of my physical and emotional health. 

I feel trapped, like a tiger in a cage two sizes to small, suffocating and wild with madness. 

I hate this. 

All I crave is peace. Peace and protection from the pain which never seems to end. 


Bunnie - I can’t think of many things worse than that. I’m sorry you’re going through this. Hopefully things get better soon.
4 years ago

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