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Kinky interactions for the D/s inclined

A list of my meanderings into the world of kink
3 months ago. July 3, 2024 at 5:54 AM

At this age, I had really hoped I had learned the hard lessons. Alas, it isn't so.

So often I hear (from women mostly), "I don't want to get hurt again."

Does anyone truly believe there is a way to invest your time, your energy and yourself with another person and not be hurt when it doesn't work? Even friendships exist with pain. Some you can get through, some you can't.

Maybe the better question is, how is the best way to handle the hurt?

I'll sit and struggle with this one for awhile. Only time will give me perspective and help me on the next encounter.

dollMaker​(dom male) - Unfortunately not, if you allow feelings to develop, then hurt relating to that will occur, whether romantic or only feelings from friendship. I think you just have to work through them, and crying helps. I am in that place myself currently a double hit, from two different situations, and it hurts a lot. We wouldn’t be human if hurt wasn’t part of it, I certainly didn’t, don’t want hurt again, but to live and not hide away, well it comes with the territory

Wish I had more to say, some deep wisdom, maybe someone else will have better advice.
3 months ago

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